If you load up the tower between now and Saturday night and buy an Icebreaker you are a noob. You dont deserve it, period.
I spent years grinding and relentlessly pursuing this weapon only to have my heart crushed over and over again. I would ask myself, "Rngesus, am i not worthy?" He simply ignored me and continued to throw worthless gjallarhorns and truths at me until finally after a little over 10,000 vault completions i earned my sweet icebreaker. You see that scrubs??!? EARNED IT. You just sit there with you little vibrating coins that you pulled from your ass and dare to buy it as if it were a voidfang vestment?
As of 5 minutes ago i dismantled my baby. Are you happy Bungie?? You made me Euthanize my best friend, my lover. I couldn't even look at him as i held the button. Now all i see are filthy noobs buying him up as if he were some kind of whore. I hope you all happy. Icebreaker sucks now.
Edit: Lol at all of you "Destiny" players that seem to think you deserve Xurs shitty handouts. Icebreaker is only deserving of the company of those players that show true initiative and actually try to grind in this game. Things like "family" and "social lives" just hold you back from achieving true greatness. You just hate me cause im beautiful so stop calling me an elitist because all of us who earned our icebreakers are real gamers are you are just a noob.
Edit 2: Guys id like to apologize to all of that were offended by my comments and this post. Its not your fault that your a noob and that your you werent blessed with equal parts luck and extreme conviction to the grind. Im sorry you put your family and friends before lifes true goals and aspirations that can only be found in Destiny. Keep sucking just like the Icebreaker ;)
Final Edit: Lol you guys got trolled super hard. Obviously this is not genuine and i harbor no ill will to those of you that purchased icebreaker. This was an awesome week for xur and we all deserve a good xurday every now and then, so i hope you guys that told me to drink bleach and refrain from reproducing read through this again with a different perspective. Have a good one guys and keep grinding for strange coins and "real" drops. :)
Thank you for the tears, I just need 50 more!
Your a NOOB with your casual 10 days of play.
You spent years on a game that's been out for 4 months? Go read a book
Yes. You earned a random piece of gear. And get better. I found mine just playing it scrub.
Seriously tired of seeing all these "earned" posts. No one earns shit in this game. Marks, rep, motes etc. Those are things you earn.
#deadpocket [spoiler]Woo, comedy![/spoiler]
Yea! Cause theirs an ass-load of skill involved in opening a chest for your ice breaker! Dummy!
Edited by TheGeneralGaL: 1/17/2015 7:08:31 AMyou have not earned anything, the rewards are random and you have not received your icebreaker deserved, you just luck. Noob
It's a random drop You have not earned a thing. I have played since launch ("but your gamer card says.... " Shut up that's my new character) and got the icebreaker for the worst game of control I have played in a game I was only in for about 2 minutes. Shits random. You know what makes the icebreaker suck? Elitist dicks that make me ashamed to let my team know I have it, because I I don't want to be seen as, well, a dick.
#hotpockets is the best part of this thread
Edited by DSharp018: 1/17/2015 5:25:47 AMYears and tens of thousands of vault runs... I lost it at that point.
[quote]I spent years grinding [/quote] ^^^ lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
People act as if the weapons damage is spread throughout the amount of people who own it. Just be thankful when you need someone to snipe most will be prepared
He said he spent years. Game will be out five months on Tuesday.
,!,, dude. ,!,,
Goddamn ANOTHER Icebreaker elitist forum, how many whining bitches are gonna complain about not being a unique snowflake...
Im in love with icebreaker!! Im in love with icebreaker!! I got it for the low low!! Of...... 17 coinsssss thoooo
Dear goodness man. Learn the distinction between you're and your
Fukkkk you dirty ass noobs mooching on strange coin welfare.
Sorry if my strange coins and play style offend you... Actually I don't care. I also don't care if you dismantled it, bad call on your part. Have fun (\ ^_^ (\
I bought mine after more than 300 hours of gameplay and no luck, you think im a noob... rng doesnt make you a good player it means you were lucky just remember that chocolatemudcrybaby, maybe youre just upset that everyone will have this and you will no longer be special so do us all a favor and grow up and deal with it punkb@#ch...
What a crying baby.... get a life out side of destiny...
Ive notice how many people fail now because they dont know when to use it lol roc strikes take longer now because everyone is camping and sniping
Around this time last year I stopped eating Cap'n Crunch because it destroys the roof of my mouth.. It made me sad because I loved Cap'n Crunch, but we all have to grow up sometime..
Everything ruined.