Once again, Xur hands these noobs great weapons and now everyone is running around with a icebreaker. The first time was fine, no one even knew what the gun was but now all the noobs get some of the greatest weapons in the game handed to them once again. Watch Xur do something ridiculous next week and sell Suros or Gjhallarhorn next week. Once again, Xur has ruined amazing weapons that people have EARNED. This is starting to be too much enjoy not earning the weapon the real way noobs. This game is overrun by casuals
Edit: Lmao these noobs still are mad because they didn't earn their exotics like good players. Seems like all the good veterans left.
Edit: I'm just going to quit and play AW you're all noobs who think level matters lmao. You're Xurners.
Edit: Lmao you're all noobs you all deny the fact that I EARNED my ib and didn't take the easy way. People like me tend to be more successful in life. Now my awesome Icebreaker will get nerfed thanks to you casuals. Have fun being noobs. I'm so glad I don't have be categorized with you casuals.
Edit: WOW this is horrifying. Now every single match I join I just SSE nothing but icebreakers because Xur practically handed them out. Truly outrageous what a stupid game. Have fun getting your non-legit icebreakers noobs.
I literally never heard anyone talk about Icebreaker before today. Xûr sells it and everyone is either 'fuk thos newbs I "earned" mine!!!!!!!1!11!' or 'I bought mine from Xûr.' It's a game! Why does it matter? It's not like Destiny has an economy, and it's not like it has micro transactions. Everyone who has one earned it one way or another! You either got one via drop or you saved up your strange coins and bought it. Seriously, it's was kinda funny to see people argue over Jangahorn, but it's not even funny to watch anymore, it's just annoying now.
See you later have fun playing cod. Destiny and these forums just got a little better now that your leaving
Why do you care so much? How does is it impact you negatively at all what guns other people have?
Theses posts are a dime a dozen
I've played since beta. I am happy xur is selling icebreaker. It means that most random people I play with won't suck as bad now. You are what's wrong with our gaming community. Less entitled self-centered egotistical half ass players like you would go a long way to improving not just this, but any gaming community. Hope I never play with you because I will do all I can to kill, or have you get killed. Please do us all a favor and trade destiny in. Looks like Lego star wars is more your speed.
Yeah xur didn't at all try to help us day one noobs by selling ice breaker around our first few weeks.......
Icebreaker could of droped any where. Nightfall, weekly hell just doing a strike or a cruciable. So what did you do that was so hard to get your icebreaker?
Edited by CommanderLouiz: 1/16/2015 7:14:19 PMYou think you can hide that with others? You are mistaken sad sir. [spoiler]#satire[/spoiler]
Lol the Ice Breaker isn't even that great. I've had one for each character for a while now and I honestly never use them except for solar burn nightfalls but even then I usually end up running a Ghorn or the Vex mytho.
Oh to hell with these sh*t posts, *earning* in destiny is like getting a lottery ticket, winning and then saying I earned it.
U r a noob.
Do people understand that thee satire posts aren't even funny
Hey OP learn what satire really means then edit your post again
Lol you got lucky dickhead. You earned shit
Bumpety bump 4 dis gr8 b8
Earned thanks to RNG. Sure. The folks buying it now earned it too. By busting their asses to build up their characters and get the coins to buy it. Why are you complaining? Wouldn't more people having IB mean raids, strikes, nightfalls are easier allowing you in all your "uber 1337ness" to get through things faster? Grow up.
People need to learn how to make proper satire posts. I can see the point you're trying to make, but put some effort into it. 0.5/10
You didn't earn jack shit. Being randomly gifted an exotic isn't "earning" anything.
You obviously dont know how many great players just never had the luck of RNG to get an icebreaker but bought one today? I know several people that run the raid daily and teach others how to do it without cheese that never had the luck of the drop but now all of a sudden they are all noobs?
Hahaha nothing like a good satire with my morning coffee
To the OP, Your profile screams n00b bud... You look so stupid ha ha
Another lame ass satire post, so orignial. Muted to avoid future wastes of time.
Edited by lordvikagaming: 1/16/2015 7:00:29 PMHe has sold suros at least twice before and ghorn once. EDIT: A random rng reward is not earning anything except a random reward, you just got lucky. EDIT: If your going to quit then delete your charactrs and go play a shitty C.o.D game. EDIT: The fact you think rng is earning something vs buying it makes you the stupid noob. I guess a person with a job and buys stuff didn't earn that stuff either. STFU and GTFO you pre-pubescent child
Noobs, noobs, noobs... I've been playing since day one and I've never "earned" an ice breaker. And first of all, we were all noobs when xur sold it the first time too...
You don't "earn" anything in this game. It's RNG. Compete random. So stop -blam!-ing complaining. My friend has been trying to get ice breaker for the longest time and I'm happy that he can finally buy it. So he won't be useless on Crota.