Once again, Xur hands these noobs great weapons and now everyone is running around with a icebreaker. The first time was fine, no one even knew what the gun was but now all the noobs get some of the greatest weapons in the game handed to them once again. Watch Xur do something ridiculous next week and sell Suros or Gjhallarhorn next week. Once again, Xur has ruined amazing weapons that people have EARNED. This is starting to be too much enjoy not earning the weapon the real way noobs. This game is overrun by casuals
Edit: Lmao these noobs still are mad because they didn't earn their exotics like good players. Seems like all the good veterans left.
Edit: I'm just going to quit and play AW you're all noobs who think level matters lmao. You're Xurners.
Edit: Lmao you're all noobs you all deny the fact that I EARNED my ib and didn't take the easy way. People like me tend to be more successful in life. Now my awesome Icebreaker will get nerfed thanks to you casuals. Have fun being noobs. I'm so glad I don't have be categorized with you casuals.
Edit: WOW this is horrifying. Now every single match I join I just SSE nothing but icebreakers because Xur practically handed them out. Truly outrageous what a stupid game. Have fun getting your non-legit icebreakers noobs.
Yeah there is a real threat. Going to go play AW, which may be one of the worst games ever. What a hardcore threat bro.
Guys, guys, read it. *****#satire
its funny when the list of tags is 3 times longer than the title.
I have 535 hours played, I have not once received the ice breaker. You ever think that bungie puts the weapons in xurs inventory because their rng system is broken? Stop being such a butthurt baby about it.
Bro calm the hell down, I got both mine from RNG back in October a few days apart, it really isn't that serious.
I paid for mine, you broke bitch!
More and more scrubs crying because xur sells something decent
You didnt earn jack $hit you bellend sniffer
Generic bitch post. You wanna hear something crazy? 2 days ago RNG blessed me with an icebreaker after completing the nightfall. I got on this morning and you know what the first thing I did when I saw Xur had it? I texted my friend, who was so bummed that he got energy while I got icebreaker. Of all the exotics xur could have sold, this was the one I wanted most. So please, just shut up, step off your pedestal and be grateful that raids just got easier, or turn your game in and leave us alone.
you didn't earn anything. you earn the exotics you get from exotic bounties.. stop caring about what other people have that does not affect you in the slightest... quit destiny and never play again.. i hate you
Oh god, these stupid threads need to end... how boring.
Bye bye... Nobody here cares. ^_^
Edited by Kool Prodigy: 1/16/2015 4:23:34 PMSo your saying you ✌️"earned"✌️ it by having RNG Luck, stop complaining biatch! You didn't earn jack shit!
Be happy. It's a good day to be a destiny player.
Edited by Crux of Crota: 1/16/2015 5:03:40 PMNo one reads the damn hash tags. Scrubs in the game are scrubs on the forums too.
Regarding you earning your IB, answer me this, how much do you bench.?
Get off your pedestal, took me since the second week the game came out, with over 600 hours in for an IB to drop for me JUST last week, look at my grimoire score and raid completitions, and I was super happy to see Xur sell it. This means my fireteam gets stronger and my friends that have played just as much or more than me can finally get what they deserve through all the grinding....bravo Bungie!!!....Dont listen to whiny people like this that think they are so cool for getting a RANDOM drop. In the weird of the great Dennis Reynolds " Idiot...Idiot...Idiot!!!"
Ok so first of all, I got icebreaker from nightfall so I earned it. But your argument is invalid. Xur sold the best weapons in game the first weeks of the game. I don't care you didn't know how good they were at the time. They were still sold to an entire game full of "noobs" and if you didn't buy them, that's your fault. Stop bitching and get over it. When the new doc comes out, you'll have new exotics to "earn" and then eventually they too will be sold by xur. This will continue to happen so complaining won't help.
ummm.... I've been playing since day one, and have never had and IB drop. I have had Patience and Time drop seven times, along with a few others. I'm not a noob, and I bought one, and I have for sure "earned" mine with over 25 days played acrossed two accounts. For you to say that you earned yours from a random number generator is laughable. thats like finding a meteor that fell from space and saying that you earned it. The odds are few and far between but there is still a chance that it could happen. The same with the RNG in this game.
You have enough room on your monitor to contain that epeen of yours? Seriously, nothing in Destiny is really that unique. Everyone has a pretty equal shot at getting the same gear in drops, or getting strange coins enough to buy said gear. The only uniqueness are peoples stats in the crucible as well as world firsts on the raid. The only things "Earned" are things which were rewarded as a part of a quest or bounty, like Murmur.. or Thorn.
How stupid some people are [spoiler]The comments of course, not the OP[/spoiler]
I think you earned it bb gurl ;)
Kelayy lmaoflcopter
Really? Nice!! Time to sign on and buy a couple. Off the record here, using my coins is earned more than RNG.
Your mom is outrageous.
What? These aren't even funny, because you probably ARE like this. :/ That's the real joke here.