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Edited by Scruffy Sloth: 1/18/2015 8:31:31 AM

No right to treat Girl Gamers with less respect!

I've being gaming since I was a young girl and I'm tired of getting no respect from other gamers because of my gender. They automatically think there better than you in gaming but in reality I have proberly played more games in my life than them. We need to stop with this sexist community! We need to respect all gamers no matter What gender,race,colour! Do any other gamers feel the same?

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  • I married a female gamer and couldn't be happier, heck in some games, she is way better than I am, so it don't make a difference what gender ya are, just play the game and enjoy it. Kuddos to you for this post. It is crap that so many gamers get bashed or hated on because of gender, race or anything else.

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