Icebreaker is good for sure...but it's pretty situational. Also, there are a lot of good players out there that didn't have it. It's not a big deal
IB is not situational. Its a solid choice for your exotic slot all day everyday. Other snipers and exotics are situational.
I could name many instances where it's situational but you can have your opinion.
How is it more situational than every other weapon in the game? I have had IB since early in the game and find it a solid choice for almost every situation. Great for raids, weekly and general purpose. Only times I don't use it are for hoards of enemies flying at you which is rare and if theres arc or void burn.
I never said it is more situational. However, sniper rifles are situational just like every other type of weapon. There are many times where a scout/fusion rifle combo are far more effective.