So... Obsidian Mind or Icebreaker. I have 26 strange coins to spend and don't know which one to get! Whichever one is winning the poll at 4:00PM GMT on Saturday I will buy from Xur. At 4-ish I will be starting my first ever raid! (I'm so excited!) So bear that it mind when your voting.
Other stuff to look at before you vote:
I use voidwalker ahead of sunsinger. (I might use sunsinger more after I've fully levelled it)
I don't have Bad Juju.
I use Gjallahorn at the moment and I have just unlocked wolfpack rounds.
I have Invective.
Anything to add? Comment below!
That's it from me. Now it's up to you, the community, to decide. [b]Get voting![/b]
Update 1 : 100 Votes in and Icebreaker has a massive lead over Obsidian Mind! Keep voting!
Update 2: Loads of good points coming up for both items in the comments. Thanks to everyone who's voted and commented. :-)
Update 3: Doing Roc strikes now. Hoping to get those missing 4 coins before I enter the raid.
Update 4: I didn't manage to get any coins in public event packages or in the 2 and a half Roc strikes I did. :-(
Update 5: My raid has moved to 5:00PM GMT so you have an extra hour to comment and vote.
Update 6: Yesterday I (almost) finished my first raid!! Got to Atheon checkpoint and then had to leave. Icebreaker was brilliant in the raid and I'm really happy I got it.
Update 7: Over 1000 votes and almost 50 replies! Thankyou to everyone who commented and voted. :-)
How about how? Lol
Probably have a better chance at getting Obsidian Mind later on in the game. Would buy Icebreaker first no doubt.
I'm going to say this. Buy the Obsidian Mind and here's why. Exotic armor can be much more difficult to find than the weapons. Nightfalls and raids generally (more often than not) reward you with weapons. It's rare that you'll get armor from it, or even the class you want. And you never know if xur will ever sell obsidian mind again. I know Xur has only sold the helm of saint-14 like once and luckily I bought it when I did because I never ever get armor drops from nightfalls. So there's no other way.
Coming from a guy who missed both Icebreaker and Gjallerhorn the first time around (I had enough coins and just decided to pass), pick up the weapon. You'll be kicking yourself for weeks if you don't.
I have the obsidian mind but I will buy the ice breaker if you need help with the raid I will be on Sunday and Monday
Edited by Gilkes: 1/17/2015 9:41:54 AMI'd say that if you haven't yet done the heroic, get a couple of lvl 30s to help you complete it. Doing it on the mid setting will get you 6 strange coins (hardest gets you 9). If you've already done that then grind through the Roc strikes, you'll get blue engrams which in turn have an ok chance of turning into strange coins. I went for Obsidian myself, but that's because I have another awesome sniper rifle (Blackhammer). I'm probably pushing my luck that Icebreaker will be sold again or that I'll get it as a randomised* reward, but I'm ok with that :) *not earned ;)
I'd go with ice breaker cos its one of the best guns IMO and you can grind ROC for a couple hours decrypt all the engram's and you are more than likely to get the extra four coins you need for obsidian mind
What would you be using it for? You said first raid? The IB's a good raid weapon IMO for newer raiders, it allows you to sit back and also do a lot of damage. But like the way Xur works, if you buy it now, you'll get it in the raid, and if you don't you'll never see it again lol so I say go IB
Edited by FunkTheWorld: 1/17/2015 9:23:36 AMThe thing with Obsidian Mind is since its an armor piece you can only use it for that class. Icebreaker can be moved back and forth between your characters and used regardless of level (as long as you're at least 20) or class. Icebreaker just has more utility, so it gets my vote. Can't really go wrong with either though if you play Voidwalker, Icebreaker is just the better choice. Honestly though if you did Vanguard ROC strikes for a bit you can probably get the remaining strange coins and just grab both. You've got plenty of time until he leaves, assuming you have the time to play. Hope this helps.
If you don't get more coins go with the Icebreaker hands down you won't regret it
It depends on what you already have. Me personally I would go obsidian mind. I have two ice breakers and no obsidian mind. And I hear it's good for the sunsinger which I just started to level, so j could use one. What's your inventory looking like already and what are you working on?
Here's the thing. Xur WILL have helmet engrams again. It might be another 10 weeks (or next week to be fair) until xur sells breaker again.
Only good in raid of its maxed . Otherwise it's no use
Get the weapon. Cause you'll hate yourself if it takes him another three months to sell it and it's not dropping.
Grind ROC strikes for 3 hours. Bound to get at least 4 strange from blues
Ice breaker is going to get more votes because there are more than just warlocks on the forums - trust me, I have 3 IB and I hardly ever use them - obsidian mind is amazing (of course, he will probably carry it 4 weeks in a row or sell exotic helm engram's next week if you don't buy it now - but if he doesn't, you will regret it)
Go grind roc strikes and dismantle all the rare engrams you get. 4 strange coin= no problem
Obsidian mind is by far the best voidwalker exotic, but even still icebreaker is the better choice.
Go do roc strikes like 5-10 you will get at least 4 strange coins
Edited by BR_Yappy: 1/17/2015 4:40:48 AMI bought both but if i had to choose one, it would be IB even though i have pretty much all the best snipers (actually, I now do have all the best snipers) in the game except IB before i bought it. But if you do decide to go with OM, you are not making a mistake either, cause you have GHorn, getting a good legendary sniper isn't hard at all. And try to farm those extra 4 coins if you can, but in the end, it's just a game
Edited by Gunthargh: 1/17/2015 4:22:49 AMYou should get the helmet, it will give you 30 light, if you can get your level up, I'll help you run some strikes before xur leaves and we will get you those coins Also you have a top notch exotic weapon in ghorn
I would highly recommend the Obsidian Mind over the Ice Breaker.
IB all the way. I have both and it's the bees knees