Once again, Xur hands these noobs great weapons and now everyone is running around with a icebreaker. The first time was fine, no one even knew what the gun was but now all the noobs get some of the greatest weapons in the game handed to them once again. Watch Xur do something ridiculous next week and sell Suros or Gjhallarhorn next week. Once again, Xur has ruined amazing weapons that people have EARNED. This is starting to be too much enjoy not earning the weapon the real way noobs. This game is overrun by casuals
Edit: Lmao these noobs still are mad because they didn't earn their exotics like good players. Seems like all the good veterans left.
Edit: I'm just going to quit and play AW you're all noobs who think level matters lmao. You're Xurners.
Edit: Lmao you're all noobs you all deny the fact that I EARNED my ib and didn't take the easy way. People like me tend to be more successful in life. Now my awesome Icebreaker will get nerfed thanks to you casuals. Have fun being noobs. I'm so glad I don't have be categorized with you casuals.
Edit: WOW this is horrifying. Now every single match I join I just SSE nothing but icebreakers because Xur practically handed them out. Truly outrageous what a stupid game. Have fun getting your non-legit icebreakers noobs.
Can someone please explain to me the definition of earning in regards to Xur or RNG? You have people arguing on this forum that Xur is not earning, and you have others that say RNG is not earning. I play this game probably more than most, due to no job and no other hobbies, so I've put in the time to get it all. Icebreaker always escaped me. I now have it. RNG didn't look kindly upon me. Did I now not earn it? Or is the Gjallehorn I finally got from Atheon last week, after beating him legit countless times over the past few months, more like earning? To me, it all seems like a grind. A fun random grind. A person could be level 24 or whatever, play 2 hours a week, jump into IB and get Ice. Another could contribute little to nothing to the Weekly Heroic with friends, get strange coin, and get Ice. Why the hate?