There are many discouraging things we face in our lives. Be it a single event or occasionally an entire phase that could last for weeks, months, and sometimes even longer. We often find ourselves staring down our troubles with contempt, causing us to lose focus of the things in our lives that encourage us to step out of the darkness and into the light.
Anyways, my question is what are some of the things you guys do or say to encourage yourself, or others, to keep your head up and persevere through life's rough patches? Is there a certain ritual you adhere to? (I.g praying at night before bed and in the morning before you start your day, or anything else at all.) Im sure this example won't apply to most of you, but be open with me and let me in on those things that you have found to helps you put that discouragement under your feet.
Edited by Payola: 1/18/2015 1:15:09 AMBeing bored. Motivation is something I've always had a problem with.
This is a good question. So I'm trying to get the right answer, there are lots of little things but I guess the main thing that centers me would be the following. 1) Time moves on, life doesn't stop for you to feel better or pick yourself up... So first off I just keep going 2) Nothingness, I contemplate have insignificant I am, everyone, this planet is... The universe is awe inspiring to me, the thought of it is like an emotional palette cleanser. 3) Go over my goals, re-plan, day dream a little 4) family, friends , hobbies in other words distractions
Being a part of the Halo community helps me feel accepted.
My ambition. I have one basic principal that I live my life by. "All the things I want in life will be mine."
Dreams from my childhood.
My gf lifts me from suicidal to a mild, manageable depression
I don't really have any things that really "encourage" me. Nothing that truly helps me get through things. When I think of certain things and feel depressed and/or hopeless, I just distract myself. It helps for a little while.
My daughter.
i wasnt doing a whole lot with my life but then when i started talking with this girl i totally upped my game and started working out and eating better, just took way better care of myself in general. then she stopped talking to me and i went back to destiny. but to better answer your question, knowing that i can make things better for myself is probably what keeps my spirits up
I push through bad times because I just have to. I know things won't always be bad and if I push through it all I'll eventually come out of the dark and back into the light again. As for what I do to help, I sometimes hang out with bro and drink and watch tv or play videos. Having my gf and her mom there for me is always good.
When I need encouragement in fitness: I watch the best scenes in Rocky When I need encouragement to practice my horn: I listen to the best trumpet players When I need encouragement to game better: I watch famous gamers
Hope, I guess.
Edited by Bantwise Gamgee: 1/17/2015 4:59:47 AMI have occasional depression because it's genetic in my family (two of my cousins committed suicide, a few others have deep struggles). But what really keeps me going is when I decide to confront what it is that is troubling, and once I give something a shot, I feel better no matter what the outcome may be. TL;DR I man up.
Nothing right now. Usually optimistic
Me mum also, this amazing gif
Not really. It's not like I'm not discouraged all the time, though. Hmm. How to say this? I guess I can't be bothered being discouraged about anything. I just keep on living life and enjoying myself, you know? There's no one thing in particular that keeps me going, it's just life itself.
My reflection [spoiler]*takes deep breath* I still got it.... *mirror cracks* [/spoiler]
My wife and my job.
My ghorn that i dont have.....
Knowing that the government is bees
Someone always has it worse. Keep your head up. Take it to the chin. Let it harden you. When the weight of the worlds on your shoulders, squat that shit.
My encouragement comes from there being an infinite number of questions to ask in the world. Curiosity.
I just go. I have no need to justify anything to myself. I do as I see fit. Am very happy doing so.
Pain is a motivator. Fear is the mind killer. Try not, and you've already failed.
My ex girlfriend and this attractive female who was in my mathematics class during 9th grade, all the encouragement I'll ever need. I know you might be thinking I'm living in the past but I literally can't get them out of mind.