There are many discouraging things we face in our lives. Be it a single event or occasionally an entire phase that could last for weeks, months, and sometimes even longer. We often find ourselves staring down our troubles with contempt, causing us to lose focus of the things in our lives that encourage us to step out of the darkness and into the light.
Anyways, my question is what are some of the things you guys do or say to encourage yourself, or others, to keep your head up and persevere through life's rough patches? Is there a certain ritual you adhere to? (I.g praying at night before bed and in the morning before you start your day, or anything else at all.) Im sure this example won't apply to most of you, but be open with me and let me in on those things that you have found to helps you put that discouragement under your feet.
I push through bad times because I just have to. I know things won't always be bad and if I push through it all I'll eventually come out of the dark and back into the light again. As for what I do to help, I sometimes hang out with bro and drink and watch tv or play videos. Having my gf and her mom there for me is always good.