Hey, Shwartznwalder, I have a question for you, would you by any chance help me out? I made a new character acouple days back, and I'm trying to level her up, I'm level 27, would you by any chance run Crota's End with me??? I know I'm experienced, but no one else will run anything with me cause I'm "not high enough level"
It's not that we couldn't backpack through a 27; it's that since you won't be able to hurt anything and pretty much everything will one shot you, there's not much that can be "taught" since the "strategy" will be "go hide". There are lots of people that generally want to do this that put the time to get in their 29 and up character, so I have a policy to take them in the tutorial raids since they can perform a role that doesn't include hiding. Get that level up and you'll be good to go.
You're not high enough level though you would get immune hits on the enemies further in the raid
Damn, well, as I progress in daily bounties, I level up my armor, so I'll be level 29 in acouple days, I'm hoping... I was just wanting to at least do the first part and bridge part to hopefully get gear, but... I can wait.
If experienced people say your not high enough level then its not cos they dont want you its just cos you will not manage at all. The thrall at the beginning just two hit you to death so its not recommended you do it at this time.