Can we get a buff for this exotic helm? The aesthetics are great and I love the concept of it but the only thing it really does is increase WoL and BoL by 5 seconds.
Can we get it to allow us to spawn more orbs when ward of dawn is active? Increase WoL and BoL by 10 seconds? Get it to provide Bastion or Untouchable? SOMETHING MORE. Who's with me?
Exotics in general need an overhaul. Plenty of them are really bad or useless.
New exotics are either amazing or complete duds Looks at the hunter Arachnid helm. It lets you zoom golden gun which is extremely useless.
I agree this helmet needs a buff. It's effect is too situational and is too small of a bonus when it does come into play. If it further boosted WoL and BoL (maybe 15-25%) and added 5 more seconds, perfect (as long as it stacked with the skill that makes those two more effective as well).
I agree but I still think it's really helpful.. how many times have you grabbed WoL and you don't see it go away then you look and realize you don't have it anymore, then have to go grab it again.. there's Ur 5 seconds that U could get with glasshouse
I like it and will use it
Just get helm of the saint and blind people
You just want the bubble to last 5 mins so you can sit on B with it.
It needs something... The helmet it kinda pointless to me.. U can just pass right back through the bubble for a sec and get your timer reset anyways. ... Not terrible though it has its moments
How long does it last before and after the increase?
Yeah I agree. It's awful. If it increased ward of dawn by 5 seconds then you could argue its worth but 5 seconds on a buff you can renew by touching the bubble anyway? Useless
5 sec of WoL is a shit ton of damage. Quit your belly-ache'n.