The Reward system as is is not so bad because the random rewards are fun, but there does need to be [u]some[/u] credit given to the best players of each team kind of like the medallions for iron banner. The first place winner should maybe earn even just extra reputation or a strange coin... Just something. It is a bassakwards random reward system. I understand not giving te best player the chance for better weapons in a such way that the crappy players have the better chance maybe to help improve them... :/ but really, that still is rewarding failure in a way. So why not rethink your reward system a slight but to maybe reward winning a little more
Not even a blue engram, no invective to play.
Last night I played iron banner ,my team won by a landslide but no one got anything ,this happens way to much and in my opinion the random system needs to be trashed, reward those that play well....
- Some random 32 joined and went negative... This is what dropped
I think that if anyone under the #1 player in the game gets an exotic then the mvp needs to get one too that way there is a larger incentive to be the best
I think they can simply make it so the top 4 players at the end of the game(between both teams so can be 3 from one 1 from another, 4 from one,etc.) Are guaranteed a drop. I dony mean guaranteed a legendary or anything, just guaranteed a normal crucible drop. Then the remaining 8 players have a chance at a drop like normal.
This is the same post over and over. No. Random is the best.
Agreed one time i was playing crucible and I came first and the level 20 at the bottom got a PATIENCE AND TIME RAGGGHHGHHHH *table flips
If I'm first, gimme a blue or a strange coin and I'm a happy man.