Warlock master race?
Pfft more like master noobs
Warlocks lack skill and are just OP.
Titans are great support classes and hunters actually require a good level of skill. I'd like to see some warlock repeatedly land precision shots with throwing knives
"aim and calculate the arc and velocity" Oh quit the bs. Stop making it sound scientific, you get used to each class's melee when you play on it more. My hunter is my favourite for pvp by a long shot and there's nothing hard about meleeing, I'd say titans have the most annoying melee but they get it made up for with the force barrier and shoulder charge.
Very true. Titans got shafted on their base melee, but you know what? It does more damage. So there's give and take. Not only that, but in PvP, a titan basically has unlimited 1-hit kill melees as long as he can keep a sprint going, and once he can't, his melee is still fully charged after a shoulder charge, so there's that. If having to be closer to hit with the base melee is the drawback to so many perks, I'll take it. What does a warlock get for their melee? Extra range and a DoT that won't kill someone in PvP from full health....