Exactly. That was the entire point of me creating the thread. I used to not get all these random "finding group" posts.
I wish there was something Bungie could do to make this more "official" and stand out to the general Destiny player base. That should get the point across as to what this is for.
Simple make 1 for experience and another for rookies, just pray they get some type of understanding, and if it works you can take full credit for a simple idea.
Posts for experienced players already exist. This one is specifically for new people and technically I made this post so I could find new raiders to teach. If they read the post they would know that. If I created another thread for "experienced" raiders, these people would just post there and here. If my post was put in a special place that was announced by Bungie, then I'd get a lot more newer players to help out with significantly reduced "looking for Crota level 32 only with maxed ghorn" posts.