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originally posted in:Stoner of Light
1/18/2015 2:00:00 AM

Looking for a Stoner Group/Clan?

I made a group/clan called "Stoner of Light". Created for any Guardian who likes to rip a bong or puff a joint while we grind the game of Destiny. 🌳🔥💨 Meet up with others to talk about different smoking methods, strains and share highdeas. Get a group of stoners together to do the raids and weekly events.🔱💯How awesome would it be to play with people who get that you just got to a Raid checkpoint and want to take a quick smoke break? 🕦🚬 I just made this so it's small but if this idea sounds good to you feel free to join! 💨🌳🌝🌞 Here's the link (I Put this post on offtopic first, my bad)

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