I was just playing some Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting in the tavern at Redcliff when a singing maiden caught my ear. I started listening and realized how awe-inspiring the music was. What music in games do you really enjoy? Probably my favorite would be TES soundtracks. Absolutely epic.
Your daily non-stop shop for all music/gaming related needs.
There's a disturbing lack of Transistor here.
Halo 2 will probably always be my favorite
Battletoads: Arcade
Luigi's mansion, while it may just be variants of one song it's still the best song ever created
I've got the Kirby 20th Anniversary soundtrack and I love it
Edited by Reign of Bane: 8/6/2015 1:10:11 AMSonic & Knuckles
Oblivion Final Fantasy (like, the whole series) Ico
Jet Set Radio Future [spoiler]You know what I'm talking about :3[/spoiler]
Destiny(like the ST not the game) Dark souls Bloodborn Skyrim Oblivion Will update when I think of more
Destiny has some great ST's Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy Dark Souls (also a few DeS & DkS2)
Halo moths -blam!-ing 3
Shovel knight
Hotline Miami
Honestly it would have to be tlou
Kingdom Hearts II
One winged angel is incredible
Geometry dash
Edited by Reign of Bane: 8/1/2015 2:27:58 PMDiddy Kong Racing
Edited by SidekickJim: 7/31/2015 2:27:07 PMDogs of War- Medal of Honor: European Assault, anyone?
Edited by Griever986: 7/31/2015 7:08:52 AMAce combat 0, ff8-9 , skyrim, chrono cross, vagrant story, San andreas,streets of rage, sonic2, rogue trip,thps2,saints row 1-2
Edited by SumFish: 7/31/2015 1:19:46 PMList is too long! My love for VGM probably started back in the 90's for me with Chrono trigger, basically Squaresoft started it off for me with many of their titles. If you've played Kingdom Hearts you've probably left the game sitting at the title screen just to hear that piano (Dearly beloved) and the epic awesomeness of Sephiroths' theme "One winged Angel" from FF7. I've got a YouTube playlist of literally hundreds of my favorite video game and Anime soundtracks that give me a constant throwback to my childhood. If you ask me VGM is hugely underrated, same goes for a lot of Anime as well, listening to orchestrated versions of the old classics is one of the best things you can do if you want to take a trip down memory lane. Zelda fans here? I doubt you'll ever forget the Song of Storms, am I right? Edit: I wish I could like all the lists people have put down, not enough time! Ugh.
FIFA churns out some awesome soundtracks. Not really songs you love the first time you hear them but you always find yourself singing along the more you play the game.
Edited by Kaiser Wolfheart: 7/31/2015 10:45:02 AMOh damn, here it goes... Transistor Destiny Halo (all) Kingdom Hearts (all) Minecraft Shadow of the Collosus Final Fantasy (all, every game has a unique song I love) Metroid: Prime Child Of Light Dark Souls (all, plus Bloodborn) Some remixes from Super Smash Bros. games Zelda (all, same thing as Final Fantasy) Touhou (I think the 6th one) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (all)