I was just playing some Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting in the tavern at Redcliff when a singing maiden caught my ear. I started listening and realized how awe-inspiring the music was. What music in games do you really enjoy? Probably my favorite would be TES soundtracks. Absolutely epic.
Your daily non-stop shop for all music/gaming related needs.
Halo Reach
Halo ODST show down music Comes on in the Romeo mission in the NMPD headquarters at the end when you defend the pelican
Destiny Earthbound Last of Us Shadow Of The Colossus
The Last Of Us Halo Reach MW3 Destiny
Persona 3-4 = swagger
The entire Donkey Kong Country trilogy soundtrack.
Fallout 3. Amazing soundtrack.
Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrF3WPi_7uI
Edited by LLoydizle: 5/17/2015 9:18:42 PMAfro Samurai. I like RZA's music.
I dont play many games but my favourite is between destiny starting song (vid of solar system) or destiny when somebody picks up the sword in crota`s end
Megaman X SNES loved it
Final Fantasy X
Ocarina of Time
All the halos
DrakenGard 3
Halo 3 and the original Assassins Creed chase theme. [spoiler]All the other chase themes are absolute BULL[/spoiler]
Halo, assassins creed, and dmc 3
The elder scrolls: Morrowind hands down
Pokemon 2
Doom 64