I was just playing some Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting in the tavern at Redcliff when a singing maiden caught my ear. I started listening and realized how awe-inspiring the music was. What music in games do you really enjoy? Probably my favorite would be TES soundtracks. Absolutely epic.
Your daily non-stop shop for all music/gaming related needs.
Doom 64
Tony Hawks Underground 2
System Shock 2, with the souls series being an incredibly close second
Zelda and halo
LoZ: Ocarina of Time
Blue Dragon, Ace Combat 5, Dying Light, Halo 3
Bioshock, Halo, Last Of Us, Uncharted series, CTR Racing
Edited by Retro_Spective: 4/30/2015 3:17:25 AMThe Fez soundtrack is one of my favourite, have a listen in the link... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYL-5N08JtA
Edited by Ape One: 4/30/2015 3:21:28 AMJetset radioooooooooo! Youtube it! Personna 3 and 4 were hella nice.
TES are great soundtracks to listen to while relaxing or doing some time of office work. I really like "Never Forget"/"Unforgotten" from the Halo series And my theme song is "Great Fairy's Fountain" from tLoZ c:
Destiny, AC blackflag and GTA V
Gta v [spoiler]jk probably skyrim or bloodborne[/spoiler]
Bloodborne and Destiny and God of War.
Skyrim title screen soundtrack
Batman would lose to superman
Any final fantasy soundtrack
Fez It's so relaxing..
Double Dragon.
Witcher 2 Halo 2 & Reach Destiny Devil May Cry (not DmC) And Skyrim
Child of Light