I was just playing some Dragon Age: Inquisition sitting in the tavern at Redcliff when a singing maiden caught my ear. I started listening and realized how awe-inspiring the music was. What music in games do you really enjoy? Probably my favorite would be TES soundtracks. Absolutely epic.
Your daily non-stop shop for all music/gaming related needs.
Destiny and Skyrim! :)
Elderscrolls oblivion and skyrim. Diablo2. World of warcraft. Dawn of war. Starcraft 2. Mass effect 2 and 3. Halo 2, 3 and reach. Fallout 3. Metal gear.
As much as it sucks now ( at least for my ) destiny has the best soundtrack. In my opinion ok .
The Witcher- Believe The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt- Percival Sargon
Nba 2k
Mass Effect 3 That intro song/main theme is just incredible
Medal of Honor has the best soundtrack I believe .I've love there franchise.
Persona 3
SKYRIM the most Beautiful Soundtrack of all time! Maybe Destiny,not to sure about it
Original halo 2 or any EAsports games has decent soundtrack
halo and skyrim just amazing
Infamous Second Son or Assassins Creed 2
Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Metroid Prime and Ape Escape. Just naming a few. Lots of good games out there with even better soundtracks!
Metroid Prime is the only soundtrack from a video game that I enjoy every single track.
Love everything on Halo & Skyrim
Jet set radio future
Medal of Honor series
The Legend Of Zelda
Forza Horizon 2
The Final Fantasy series, X, XIII are good examples that come to mind off the bat.
Well ,I love that soundtrack in crota's end ,but I like all soundtracks in ocarina of time in Zelda. 💘
All the Halo games' soundtracks, Skyrim, and Dragon Age Inquisition.
Fallout nv
Super Smash Brothers for Wii U/3DS
Halo wars/halo 3