Pretty obvious what I'm asking here.
Are they dying in your opinion?
In mine they are. There isn't anything innovative or new nowadays. The same games over and over and over again, SLIGHTLY better graphics and textures, a little different gameplay mechanics but in general it's all the same. And in all honesty the grand majority can't hold my attention for 1 hour.
We've had lots of the same for the past few years. It's like devs are just set on recycling ideas, making sequels, making -blam!-ing HD remakes of games that haven't even been out for 3 years. And everyone just eats it all up. Seriously the mainstream gamers are the same as the people that listen to mainstream music. No thinking or anything, they just eat everything big corporations throw at them and act like it's awesome. No critical mentality, brain is always off.
I love videogames and it saddens me that the market has gone so stale and so devoid of creativity and innovation.
So give me your opinions guys. Let's have a nice discussion about a topic that surely everyone would find relevant around here.
Check out Super Time Force! Capy games has been a pretty innovative company lately. Though if this topic is in reference more towards AAA titles, then I understand.