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Edited by Scruffy Sloth: 1/18/2015 8:31:31 AM

No right to treat Girl Gamers with less respect!

I've being gaming since I was a young girl and I'm tired of getting no respect from other gamers because of my gender. They automatically think there better than you in gaming but in reality I have proberly played more games in my life than them. We need to stop with this sexist community! We need to respect all gamers no matter What gender,race,colour! Do any other gamers feel the same?

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  • I maybe a guy gamer, but I do agree with you on your subject. I hear a lot of guy gamers on destiny tend to be negative ether post or just plan up close and personal about girl gamers. Also what ever gamer chicks play on xbox or ps4 ect there's always those guys who love to spam friend request because they never seen a girl play games before. You can tell there immature wannabes. I lost count of how many times I seen that happen usually they suck playing any game.

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