Saddam Hussein
Your ex that cheated on you
Kim Kardashian
Justin Bieber
King Joffrey
Lord Voldemort
Fred Phelps
Guy Fieri
Sarah Palin
That guy who claims to love Queen but only knows the first four lines of Bohemian Rhapsody
Fred Durst
Chuck Norris
Bill Nye
That guy that found your wallet and gave it back to you instead of stealing your money and blowing it on coke
Abraham Lincoln
Bruce Campbell
Bill Murray
Your hot neighbor that let you touch her boobs because she was mad at her boyfriend
Johnny Cash
[spoiler]titan master race[/spoiler]
Hmmm I wonder if op is titan
Welp... You gave everyone me the option of hitler. You know what happens next right? History's tends to repeat itself, HUNTER master race of the third riech.
Classes in lore: We are noble defenders of the remnants of humanity who each contribute in the reclamation of our solar system. Classes in the forums: MASTER RACE LOL, MUH DECK ID BEGGIR DAN URS
Omg I opened this thread thinking it was about in game lore and the first thing I see is Hitler lol. Getting strange looks at work because I'm doubled over laughing.
U should be a stand up comedian bc ur jokes, or at least this one, are funny.
This is my favorite post
Guy fieri.. hahaha
bill nye tho lmao
Hans solo hunter enough said
Ha cause Titans are sooo good with there fists of [u]panic[/u]
Very accurate indeed
I gotta say i haven't met too many titans who are assholes.. Theres that odd one who things hes the best and accuses you of being bad because he died. Most warlocks (like 60-70%) are kinda assholes, always think they are the greatest, master of cheesing and whatever. And hunters seem to be ok with me except for the fact that half of them i come across are 11 year olds who think this is Call of Duty.
Can we trade Bill Nye for Stalin? The Man of Steel would be a fine addition to our forces.
Bruce Campbell ftw!
Weapons of Light, unbeatable raid buff
All the hunters are negative. What a biased post. Hitler? Serious? Wtf is your problem?
Buncha Canadians on that same list with Hitler, bro. Hitler. Seriously? [spoiler]LOL[/spoiler]
Get a life nerd.
You're not giving Batman enough credit. He's a class all on his own that's superior to those listed.
Batman is clearly a hunter with that sweet cape.
Bob saget = hunter
Edited by FamedGunfighter: 1/19/2015 4:14:48 AMWell known Hunters- Jack Bauer Chuck Norris Charles Bronson Steve McQueen Lee Marvin John Wayne Clint Eastwood (Man with No Name Trilogy) Darryl from "The Walking Dead" Ninjas James Bond Jason Bourne God, Jesus, and every Arch-angel that has swung his sword in righteous fury it is a well-known fact that God created Man and then created the Hunter to protect Man and to have someone He could talk to and commune with on an equal level. God created Hunter because He wanted peers. Amen Snake Plisken, definitely a hunter. Mad Max Ripley from Aliens Han Solo Indiana Jones every cowboy that walked into town and blew away the bad guy. Navy Seals, especially the guy that put a couple in Bin Laden's dome John Wick (just saw that movie, he's a hunter) Spartacus Neo Jedi The Dude from The Big Lebowski hunted for compensation for his p+ss-stained rug Leon the Professional Nikita The brother hunters from 'Supernatural' Buffy The crew from Firefly Raylan Givens anyone whoever swung a sword, shot a bow, or fired a gun and hit their mark yep
yeah, clearly titan master race, but you stated Opera as a hunter, That made me satisfied
Lol'd at the queen joke