If anyone has any knowledge on the best mission / areas to farm ogre kills post Dark Below, please share with your fellow guardians!
I know that we can find 2-3 ogres on the moon in patrol.
Also that there are some TDB missions with ogres, however I am unsure if these kills count towards grimoire.
Only red bar ogres count, yellow bar ogres won't be credited, unless they fixed that in the last couple of months. The way I did it was that every time I patrolled earth, I killed the one in the grotto first, then went back before I left and killed it again. Same thing with the one in the temple on the moon. It takes time, but it's not too bad if you just make sure you get 2 every time you're there. I ran all bounties on 3 characters for a long time too, so that helped them add up too. Happy hunting!