[b]IT CAN BE DONE. If my group can 5 man, you can get this later today.[/b]
I'm honestly surprised more people haven't done this. It was pretty easy, but I'd be a liar if I said we all didn't have our PS4 controllers soaked in sweat for the entire thing. We only had 5 because we couldn't find a 6th.
[b]Permalink[/b] - http://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR/2/4611686018431343100/2305843009218557513/954892656?_
[b]Screenshot[/b] - https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1507031_762722730462749_7340565770241875960_n.jpg?oh=8a32f6cb209025466f4b3ccbe936d9d5&oe=5507395C
No video, but I can upload one of us all freakin' out later. lol
I think it only recorded my voice, though...
Good luck Platinuming your Destiny, guys. And uh... Whatever Xbox calls getting all the Achievements :)
you beast mate!! That late respond though :p