originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
Hello guys! MR.Fruit and I are looking to tackle the new hard raid with you guys! We are looking for Xp raiders who know how to do the raid. We dont want any cheese on our raid pizza. We also need you to have a mic and know how to communicate. If interested post your Class,Level,and PSN. Sorry xbox users.. Ill be sending you friend requests so we can all work out a time.
Finished Crota on hard mode for the 1st time and it felt GOOD!!!
Lvl 32 warlock and Titan and with 7 more shards my hunter as well. Psn Judicator1650 due to work being 1-10pm I'm generally a late night player.
Edited by Ghaul The Cabal: 1/26/2015 1:02:42 AMPsn deadpoolsmack yo Hunter level 31
Lvl 32 Titan psn: shazam2166
Level 32 hunter. Beaten it on hard.
Hi Rhabby and Mr. Fruit. Wanted to know when you'll be attempting the Hard Raid. I really wanna do the Hard raid with you guys.
Level 32 hunter and 32 warlock, whichever you would find most helpful! Maxed 331 weapons including jello horn and icebreaker. My PSN is NateTheTroll. It would be a privilege to play with you.
Edited by DarkNoha: 1/20/2015 7:03:35 PMWill you be doing it right when the hard raid launches?
What time are you guys planning to go?
Would you guys mind carrying a 31 Titan. I know what I'm doing and I'm pretty decent. Psn benjerness
I'm not in the clan but... Psn: TheShakeZulla Lvl: 32 Class: hunter Or... Lvl: 31 Class: Titan Is it for the ps4?
psn:fzfzox CLASS:hunter lvl :32
Edited by DarkNoha: 1/19/2015 6:41:38 PMPSN:- DarkNoha_AD Titan(Defender). Level 32 Warlock. Level 32