originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Today I got the raid chest piece, black hammer, and plan C! What are your best rng wins?
VoG hard last Saturday. Fatebringer and two Suros Regime on one run. I still can't believe it :)
Last Tuesday, did vog hard and Crota...walked away with Hawkmoon, Fatebringer and Mythoclast. 300+ hours, by far my best day.
Hawkmoon on Saturday night from a ROC strike.
Nothing good lately so i guess im due.... got that going for me...
I had a purple engram turn into gjallahorn yesterday. Just after I picked up icebreaker from Xur
4 crota completions , 4 pieces of raid gear :)
Got mida multi tool from the gorgon chest on normal and then thunderlord from atheon during the same raid a few weeks before dark below dropped. I also have full raid gear from CE for my lock and three black hammers. It's an awesome PvE gun when maxed out
This week I focused on Iron Banner specifically to get Efrideet's Spear (sniper) with plans to re-roll it to get the flowing perks: Ambush scope, armor-piercing rounds, final round. Got it a little after rank 5. Reforged 3 times and ended up with: - ambush scope - armor-piercing rounds - firefly I'll take that to the bank! I also got Similar's Wrath twice.
I've been very lucky lately. Got Suros, Gjallarhorn, Hawkmoon, Dragons Breath, & Sun Breakers from rng. Hawkmoon was my second character through nightfall after getting shards the first time. Was not happy about the shards but Hawkmoon made up for it.
Last night I got chest & helmet for my warlock & chest for my Titan, plus a 2nd black hammer. My best RNG ever has to be when I got boots, chest & gauntlets on my 2nd ever VoG run. I was like a giddy kid that night :)
Suros from nightfall and universal remote from legendary engram during daily. Best day of destiny thus far