We explored the vog and crotas end for hours and glitched into every future content, but it seems there is nothing more to find. But this bumping wall in the campus 9 on the way to the gatelord seems to be the last secret of this game (currently).
In these pictures you can see the wall and an out of map view at the architecture right under it.
At first it looks like one of these walls to lock some future content, but if you look from out of the map, there is no big area under it. It seems to be 1 or 2 small rooms.
What could be behind it? Any ideas or confirmations?
Please let me know
[url]http://oi57.tinypic.com/dwou0y.jpg[/url] [url]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ykmcya.jpg[/url]
Why do you call it bumping wall? Just looks like a wall...but I'm sure someone will show up to claim it's more "cut content".