So people actually think Sam Legacy is a bungie insider, even though Deej has stated that he isn't. But if thats not good enough for you, here he is stating "-blam!- jews"
Bungie wouldnt employ someone who publicly states hate messages
Also does anyone actually read his twitter posts? More often than not he is wrong, also he makes a guess at 3-4 weapons at a time, which considering there are only 20, give him about a 20% chance of being right.
Nobody ever mentions when he is wrong, why cant kiddies just grow up.
Nothing "insider-ish" about this guy, move along trolls
*edit* Just so we are clear, im not offended by what he said, nor am I a jew. Im just tired of people talking about sam legacy like he is a bungie insider or he knows everything, when he is clearly a clever internet troll
*edit 2* Post about sam legacy, Deej comments debunking sam as bungie employee:
Here is Sam claiming he works with the testers and bungie group working on crotas end hard, which is funny if you read what Deej said in the last link, read the whole conversation for clarity
*edit 3* Sam Legacy stating he hates destiny (implying he doesnt work for bungie):
*edit 4* Sam predictions are a littly wishy washy aren't they?
(As to why, he has recently said ghorn in the next 4 weeks, but now he is saying he may vote for hardlight. If he "knows" gally is being sold, why is there still voting going on?)
*edit5* how about that latest "guess"? #Fraud
P.S. its sad reading his "prediction" tweets, and looking at the replies he gets from people too oblivious to the truth.
Maybe Bungie hates Jews too, who knows. Ever seen an exo rabbi? ..well, I didn't!