No... not trading in destiny is a bigger deal than what you might think. Trading in Destiny would result in diminished play value. When you receive loot it is meant for you and you alone, so that you can "become legend" your own legend; This gives the player a sense of independence and accomplishment because you earn weapons and gear through "grinding" and they are not simply given to you (this is why MMOs that incorporate trading also incorporate weapons and gear that "bond to account"). Classes, subclasses, gear, and weapons none of which are interchangeable, reinforces character diversity. Destiny is not completely dependent on player skill but the variety of characters teamed to play the game. You are never guaranteed specific weapons or gear, but you are guaranteed weapons and gear. Utilizing this loot mechanic motivates players to play for a longer duration to get what they desire. The longer the game is played the more successful the title is. Any developer's goal is what Bungie has just achieved~ a fun game that not only has continuous play value but forces you to team up with more players.