Hey I noticed a lot of stuff regarding to warhammer 40k. The first hunter cloak you get. It says this: The Hunter's cloak speaks to their personality. Your Ghost scrounged up this tough synthetic wrap, marked with an ancient double-headed eagle.
This is an Aquila or the the mark of the emperor. And the hunter looks a lot a guardsman. And all of the enemies are "Loosely" based and not confirmed off of the other factions in warhammer 40k.
I think this to! Cabal, they blow up planets, worship a emperor as a god and are extremely large, like space marines, hive is nids duh, necrons are the vex, fallen and awoken are dark eldar and eldar, we are the tau, we got power during a wierd storm, and advanced really fast, and there is the darkness wich corrupts people, chaos and the orks and others are not here yet.