originally posted in:Live Free Raid Hard
Hard Raid Starts anytime after 1:00pm EST as Stated By Bungie. I will be starting a group at 12:45 EST & begin to invite the Below Roster into the party. At this time we will Log out of Destiny & await the launch to be posted by bungie on twitter. After all players have logged in & Hard Raid is accessible, we will start ASAP so i strongly Urge all players to be ready to play! The # & Letters next to our name ls our position at the Bridge & the Order We will be crossing so be sure to make note of that. Cp=Center Platform, Lp=Left Platform & Rp= Right platform. Any lvl 31s will be crossing last & dropping the sword for lvl 32s to ensure defeat of each Gate keeper & to maximize survival rate. Provided the Bridge Encounter has been fixed in todays Update & assuming all 6 players will have to cross, We will be running a practice Tonite playing 1lvl low on each checkpoint without reviving, lvl 31s will play 2 lvls low at Death singers & Crota. I will invite players in for the practice run as you log on. Hopefully everyone will be on around 8pm EST. Good luck! I truly believe we can be one of the first groups to beat this Raid on Hard!
[b][i][u]Wednesday 1•21 @ 1:00pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (1Cp)
Namahsis (2Lp)
Ix Vader91 xI (3Rp) (titan Blinding Bubble)
Edwinhaan (4Cp)
Taeshik Cha (5Lp)
Phenom Deicide (6Rp)
Acheology (1st Alternate)
Coevus (2nd Alternate)
Chen853 (3rd Alternate)
VenomProphecy (4th Alternate)
x 7h3 p1s7oL x
Leannzy Loham
Voltic Gaming
x 7h3 p1s7oL x
C4 Splinter Jr
Leannzy Loham
Voltic Gaming
I wish I was home during the day for this clan
An alternate. Really? Wtf. Who are these randoms.