1st Repost
Destiny has been very good to me. I've had the opportunity to acquire a lot of different weapons and try different styles. But even now, after having tried a fair share, my first love, TLW, and in the hands of my hunter, is still my favorite, and that's why it burdens me that I can't use it more often.
My friend once told me that after I use TLW enough, It'd be my favorite, and he was right. Now my problem is that I don’t get to use it much at all because in many situations it doesn't cut the mustard. If you're a skilled player, then you can make do with just about any gun, so I don't buy the whole "you just don't know how to use it." Hand cannons account for WAY more of my kills than any other weapon. And will continue to do so because they're my favorite. I'm not the best with them, but I think I've test driving enough weapons by now.
Unfortunately, TLW is very, very limited in how it performs compared to other HCs. Actually . . . when compared to all HCs.
It can be used in any situation, of course, but it's not made to be used in most situations. It’s okay that it can't do everything, but this gun can't can't do a lot of things. TLW is good for one on one encounters mid range in PvP . . . and that's it. And that's if the other person doesn't have a fusion rifle at mid range, or a shotgun at close. And that’s if they miss. Or they're facing the other way. That's a pretty situational, and I've had very lucky games with high kills with the gun.
TLW in it’s current form, while fun, is not exotic. As is, it should be some other color. It's own color, because it's unique and interesting, but it's not a power house. One look at Suros, Mythoclast, Gallyhorn, Thorn, Hawkmoon and anyone will say, "That's an exotic." One time, another friend took a look at TLW and said, "That's pathetic." I guess you could argue that it’s exoticness is “hidden,” but is that really what an exotic should be? Maybe so.
A lot of folk have it on their top 10 favs for the Crucible, and yes, the gun works well enough there, but what if I'm exhausted from the Crucible, but not from TLW? In PvE, like I said, a good player can make it work, but as soon as they get something with better range and ammo, yea it's over. TLW goes in the vault unless they just want to have a little fun, but it’s not the “go to” weapon that exotics are supposed to be from what I’ve seen in Bungie’s description. I"m not suggesting a complete overhaul because you can't have a gun that beats everything. (Except MythoClast, which I was lucky happy enough to get, but, honestly, I STILL like TLW better) And because I like TLW, I want to be able to use the thing in PvP AND PvE. The suggestion is simple and won't change the intent of the weapon to be a gunslinger type.
1. In the first column, a perk that exchanges the guns amazing stability for acceptable range. (It's an exotic weapon and it has a lower range than almost ANY other gun of any class and level? Huh? )
2. In the second column, a perk that will boost the gun's magazine count. Let us forgo extra stability and oversized rounds for more ammo. The quick draw/ADS perk is kinda silly since the gun encourages you to fire from the hip anyway, which I enjoy. As far as the animation, one can start firing the weapon before the animation finishes if desired. It's never interfered with me. It's a contradictory perk. In reality it’s kind of a contradictory gun in these respects. Low rang and low magazine size. You really will spend as much time reloading as you do firing with this gun. And reloading, no matter fast, is always a weakness. More ammo (about 10 rounds) will make it a fast paced weapon for sure. In Crucible, if it takes more than 5 shots to kill your opponent, you're dead anyway. It won't change that gameplay all that much, especially with reduced stability, that perk would be a liability.
I just want a little more range in usage is all, so I can carry it with me in high paced environments where close encounters (light switch) or reloading (angry) are both detrimental. Basically, I'm begging. If the tone of this is in any way, offensive. I'm sorry, I just want to use this weapon WAY more than I do and not have to always hide behind cover when my teammates need me to be firing. But as it stands, I only get to use it in the crucible, because so many other (most) guns outclass it in PvE. Please consider these two suggestions. I know a lot of people are protective of this gun, but think it over, please. This is not a buff, it's a tune-up.
Edit: It's been commented that this gun was really strong before and was nerfed? Is this true?
Last word is life