My Idea is that we introduce a new category of primary guns into the game..........................Sub Machine Guns
Of course there all going to follow a archetype that is similar to something like this:
Rate of Fire [||||||||||||||||||||||]
Impact [|| ]
Range [|| ]
Stability [|||||||||||||| ]
Reload [||||||||||||||||||||||]
Now i know this seems powerful, but keep in mind its a Smg.......soooooo lets reduce that clip size
to about 20-25 (25 variants having more RoF and less Stability, where as the 20 variants have more Stability than Rof)
And of course we need an exotic for this new category
So i propose a New Exotic (wow 2 in one im getting greedy here)
The First Strike
"Legend has it there was a titan who shot first,and asked questions later"
Damage 302/331 Kinetic
Rate of Fire [|||||||||||||||||||| ]
Impact [|| ]
Range [|||| ]
Stability [||||||||||||||||| ]
Reload [||||||||||||||||||||||]
Magazine 23
Auto Unlock
"Secondary Care"
This weapon can be equipped to the Secondary Slot
First Ability
"Spray and Play"
When the magazine is empty increase the reload speed of this gun
4th Tier(pick 1)
increase the Range And Accuracy of this weapon
"Armor Piercing Rounds"
These iridium-core rounds over-penetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling.
Increase the players agility stat By 2
2nd Ability
"Run And Gun"
You Can reload this weapon while running.When coming out of sprint this weapon has increased Stability.
Well Let me know your opinions below.
EDIT: it clould look like this mabye: [url][/url]
Too bad all the Auto rifles with high ROF and low stability are essentially the same. I had an idea kicking around about a new heavy weapon type. A breed between sniper and fusion rifle. Like a massive rail gun/20 mm cannon? Kicks like a mule, high impact and range, but crap ROF and stability