Hey Bungie!
I was just wondering; what kind of training would you guys recommend to score a job with you or 343i or another company as such?
I'm going to be entering the U.S. Air Force to pilot drones and UAVs, amd then after 4 years I'll have the opportunity to go to college through the GI Bill. I'd like to work at a company like Bungie, mostly in a Concept and Design area, you know, like bringing up different ideas and possibilities for content.
I'm 18 right now, and I actually live in Seattle (Go Hawks!). Is there any sort of advice that you could give me?
A good start would be some experience in 3d software and Photoshop, that's what I'm currently learning at Virginia College in 3D imaging and animation program offered there, great for gamers who want to make games, or get a grasp of how it's done, another good thing you could do is look under the bungie sites job listings for open positions and find out more about them bud. Have fun!