originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
This is where we will see what Funny Things Mr Fruit says in videos.
(Lads if I didn't reply to your post its not my fault it is not appearing at the "Notifications" Button. And sometimes I just can't think of a way to reply......)
And I like how everyone copy my older posts. -_-
Success, is my only option I have said that in real life myself!
This is my box! - Mr. Fruit
Freakin golden penis!!!
Edited by Grif: 4/19/2015 5:41:25 PMShabooski!! Haha that's my favorite one :P
"We're just going to try to clean up a teammates kill" Mr. Fruit 2015
*incoherent turkey noises* - MrFruit 2015
"Bungie, nerf this man."
*Kills Mr Arc Blade Its official, greatest gun ever! -Mr Fruit 2015
Everything he has ever said.
I might as well just put the controller down because this weapon does all the work for me! *dies* Bungie, patch this...
Rahool is great, Rahool is Groot, Please give to is our daily loot, A this hands we are made erotic, Lord, give to is our daily exotic Amen.
"Oh god no!!" Usually said once per heavy review.
"It's all fun and games till he whips out his golden penis"2014
A big, under performing stapler [spoiler]its so true[/spoiler]
Dragons breath advertisement always makes me laugh whenever he says the following "Running on coal alone you got to keep the dragon's belly warm and ready if you know what I'm saying"
[i]Need that heavy ammo, Give me that heavy ammo, Need that heavy ammo, Give me that heavy ammo! Not the golden penis again...[/i]
"You're all just VEGETABLES"
Hello Mr Sniper and farewell!- Mr Fruit 2015
"Going for the Hail Mary throw ..."
Yay, what up. -Mr Fruit 2015
Haha, who needs ammo? Me... actually... -Mr Fruit 2015
I got this weird sensation when I woke up in the morning and I was just like man I really want to hate my life so I'll use the No Land Beyond
Edited by Ikelon: 3/2/2015 7:19:13 AMOH MY GOD HE'S A LEGEND! -Mr Fruit 2015
Take death like a MAN! -Mr Fruit 2015