originally posted in:The Light Apostles
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of The Light Apostles!
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has joined so far, you have brought the game to life for me in a way I didn't think was possible! Your enthusiasm and commitment to our cause is truly staggering.
However, if we work together this can be just the beginning! Bungie have removed us from the popular clan list of the week... We were no2! Why I do not know, we are only in our 4th/ 5th day of existence as a group, but my guess is they see what is happening and do not like it, the speed at which we are growing is frightening, and that's coming from me!
To combat this we must go by word of mouth and by liking our link on bungies highest rated clans list, again we were no1 (I know!) over the weekend as well as yesterday but are now being pushed down for no reason that I can see.
We can beat the big elitist clans that breed the gamer oneupmanship! We can beat the YouTube channel fanboys who create clans to satisfy their egos! We can take them on and we can win! But we must all work together. Hopefully you share my dream for this clan to show the self appointed 'leaders' of this game that you are not a 'leader' because you say you are, you are a leader if the people choose you to be one, because leaders are only there to serve the people who follow them, and I will serve you the best I can.
May the light be always by your side.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/6/0/Recruitment%20Clans recruitment page (please go to our post and like it)
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/746880 clan page
Can you please either sticky this post, or make it an announcement or something. This thread is starting to get burried and i use it daily
I haven't met anyone in this clan yet but this seems like a really awesome clan already and I just joined! My gt is flaze wolf so it would be nice if someone could friend me. all my friends are on the 360D lol so its a little lonely......but I think I can really come to love this clan!
I can honestly say this is the kindest clan I've seen out there, and that's saying a lot. Keep it up Rusty!
This is a great clan. All the guys I have met so far are spot on!
you see my friend ...we brought more guardians than they did :))
Made my morning
This post made my day. I am more than happy knowing i am part of one of the fastest growing clans. I am in shock with how fast we devolped and grown. I feel like i have already had a pretty big impact on this clan already. I cant wait to see our progress. Its an amazing feeling knowing I helped (sort of) to build an amazing community of friendly members who all share a common intrest of gaming. Off topic: more ideas will be flowing day by day. I will keep posting suggestions to help us succeed! This clan will grow immensely and we will devour every other group or clan in existence.
Well put. Very well put. Glad to be apart. Hopefully some game play between all of you.
Well said our fearless leader. Could you post this link to our group on here? I have a few friends that would like to join a clan and i want them to join us!
Well said our fearless leader. Could you post this link to our group on here? I have a few friends that would like to join a clan and i want them to join us!