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Edited by Vampire Nox: 2/18/2015 2:51:21 PM

Bungie, DeeJ; I think I figured out what Destiny (and this community) needs from you.

Bungie, Deej; I've made many threads and posts in my time here on Some of them have been well articulated and intellectually stimulating, others have been brash, brazen, and downright rude. All of them have been about Destiny and/or Halo (back when Halo was a Bungie thing). I've made both types of posts as my emotions about the game have traveled their roller-coaster path, and the threads and posts have gone along with that twisting and churning. But I feel that emotion and have that depth of inner turmoil because I care. I care about who Bungie used to be, who they've turned into, the games they've made in the past, and the game that they're trying to perfect now. So in my trawling of the internet, I came across a very, very interesting story on techspot. The author details a change in the very culture of Gaming, Gamers, and those who make and support the games that we all love and play. Here's a link to the story about the [url=]Gamers who only play one game[/url], and how this is now just a trend, but a quickly growing culture within the larger Gamer culture. It's definitely worth a read, because I realized while reading it, that this is the same direction that Bungie alludes to want Destiny to be for its Gamers. Blizzard ~ 'World of Warcraft' Riot Games ~ 'League of Legends' ~ 'World of Tanks' These aren't just games. They're cultures in their own right. They're games that are not even primarily a product, they're a service to the Gamers that kill hour after hour inside their richly living worlds. And by your own admissions and descriptions of Destiny, you want your game to be as much a service to us, a culture; as you want it to be a top-selling product. But those three companies do something that Bungie has really quit doing. They communicate with their customers in ways that Bungie has stopped doing. While Bungie puts up walls so we only have one go-between for the Gamer-Developer conversations (DeeJ), the three companies above are breaking down walls. They're continuously opening newer and more direct lines of communication with their consumers, gamers, and fan base. But above all, they're doing what it becomes more and more apparent Bungie is not doing. They're really listening and implementing the Gamers ideas directly into the games. While we hear all the time on this site about how much Bungie is listening, there's nothing to show that you really are. Where these other companies make it very, very apparent that their gamers are being proactively listened to, with Bungie (and the Activi$ion suits in the office drowning out the community...), we have given you literally hundreds of different ways to make the game better; but there is little tangible proof that any of it is being heard or even seriously considered. Gamers are more and more picking one game and that is then "their game". As Gaming as a hobby/lifestyle/culture becomes inevitably more and more expensive, Gamers are more apt to pick one game, and just stick with that game. If you are very serious about Destiny (because if done correctly, Destiny can last for far longer than a mere 10-year cycle), if you are still very serious about and love your Community (and you haven't let Activi$ion's money murder that love in its sleep...), then things need to change. Read the article. Pass it around the Bungie office. get someone to stand up on the desk that has the unconscious form of an Activi$ion Exec. strewn across it (because we all know that's the only way to get an upper-level executive to shut his cake-hole), and read the article out loud to all Bungie employees if you have to. But look at what these companies are doing. They aren't [b][i]just[/i][/b] raking in the cash. The cash is a side-product of what they do for their Communities [i]through[/i] the medium of their games. If you want Destiny to be a success. If you want Destiny to become its own culture within the larger Gamer culture, if you want Destiny to be that [u][b]one game[/u][/b] for many Gamers, then you as a company need to change and start doing what these three companies are doing. Remember this phrase, Bungie? "Per Audacia ad Astra" It is still possible. You can even go beyond the stars to that fabled dimension beyond the horizon. Destiny has that promise; but only if you as a company listen, change, and change the way you present Destiny to your own Gamers. The stars are calling, Bungie. Are you going to take this game and your Gamers seriously enough to get to those stars? ____________________________________________________________ If anyone in this community agrees with me, agrees with the story I linked above, and that vision and promise for Destiny, spread this thread. Copy/paste it on other sites. Send it in PM's and e-mails to Bungie themselves. Hell; send it to Activi$ion if you think it will help. But nothing will change unless we, as a Community (a family), actually become the catalyst of that change. But if nothing else, get the word out. Of what Destiny was supposed to be, what Destiny is right now; but also that with three great examples listed above, what Destiny could one day be. Sincerely, The Vampire, Nox. Edit = link fixed... ________________________________________________________________________ Edit 2: Here is a great complimentary and additional post from Freestylek1ng that further illustrates the issue that Bungie is creating for itself. Thank you for all of your support, this is turning into a potent endeavor! Keep it going! [quote]It's unfortunate that it has come to the community being forced to essentially beg for some sort of insight and window into the current development plans for Destiny. I find it hard to believe that Bungie doesn't realize things need to change. Professional and user reviews for the game and the DLC specifically have been subpar at best, and even the most dedicated players can list off endless problems at the drop of a dime. It's not even the fix most people are looking for at this point it's the acknowledgment that these are problems and are going to be addressed with future updates. Look at IGN's endless posts about the game. Even the staff members there who play the most continually say that the game is a mess right now. DeeJ's idea of caring and thoughtful posts are only going to get him so far, and I think a little humility would go a long way toward gaining the trust of the community back. Look at Randy Pitchford from Gearbox (Borderlands). I know their jobs are not the same, but that's even more impressive that he responds to user feedback directly, and lets people know what they're working on, what they are not planning on implementing at that point in time. I'd say a fair ammount of the player base only continue to play because of the potential of the game, but that potential is starting to look like a huge missed opportunity.[/quote] Edit 3 = link to this thread on [url=]Gamespot[/url]. Edit 4 = link to this thread on [url=]Polygon[/url]. Edit 5 = And now; as if these three companies weren't jackhammering Bungie hard enough already, just announced that "World of Tanks" will be coming to the Xbox One this year. Not only that; but people who had the game on the 360 will not only keep the progress that they had in the 360 version of the game, but there will be cross-generation play between the 360 and the One. They're dedicated enough to their Community, Bungie; that even though they're making the move to the newest generation of consoles, they still refuse to alienate even a small portion of their player-base. They're coming to the One, Bungie; and more of your players will leave when they do. Get your priorities straight, ActiBungie. If you don't, then you won't have a player base to market to for the next 9.5 years. Bungie, you could have done this for the same reasons that is able to do this. All of the information for the game is saved on servers. It should have been this way, but you guys don't care. Whereas has the best interests of their player base as their primary concern (and because of this, their Gamers are willing to spend ungodly amounts of money on the game), you and Activi$ion have your goddamn pocketbooks as your primary concern and can't figure out why people are leaving this game (Destiny) left and right. [url=]Link to article about's announcement.[/url] [url=]Another link to the bit of info.[/url] (there, double verification per journalistic standard. :P)

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  • Bump

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  • I'd like to make an observation here on this post and the responses up to the time I'm making this one. I notice a common thread with some responses. They start off with an acknowledgement of support, followed by rejecting the possibility of change - something along the lines of "but it's not going to go anywhere. Bungie doesn't listen." But then immediately following the rejection, they list some things that they hope will change. Bungie, if you aren't paying attention to this one topic, you are ignorant. If you are paying attention but refusing to acknowledge this, then you are stupid. Look through the responses here. There's agreement that the status quo is not good. There's agreement that it likely won't change. But then there's the holdout on the hope that maybe it will get better. That maybe you all will wake up and do something ... say SOMETHING ... as to what's going on. These are loyal fans and supporters that are just being burned. How much time is left before their hope in your company is gone? This is looking more and more like a textbook case on how not to handle PR.

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    • OP has been edited and updated with links to the other sites that I have posted this missive. If you decide you want to support this beyond the limits of the Bungie Forums, there's two great places to start.

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    • I've read nearly every comment in this thread, and I am almost certain at this point that the folks "managing" this community have as well. With nearly 3 full days of this thread trending, there hasn't been a single response. Not one single, solitary response. Nothing. Though I can't hardly blame those who would be in a position TO respond, because every other thread in this forum is about one of the following topics: 1. "Destiny sucks" 2. "I want a <insert item name here> and I am angry that I didn't get it" 3. "Xur sucks" 4. "Nerf this / Buff that" There is NO real discussion from the "community" manager, and thus these posts run rampant on the forum. No one is moderating / deleting necessary posts that clog the forum. Are there even moderators on here? As an aside, in my professional life I am an account executive, and often play the role of "the messenger" - much like the people who would normally respond to this type of commentary. You know what though, I do what I have to in order to help my customers through whatever challenge they're having. Whether it's a bi-product of a lousy decision my company made (and believe me, there are so many it's hard to keep up), or simply a helping hand to reach out when something is misunderstood or misconstrued. Either way, I jump into the discussion because in the end telling your customer something they don't want to hear is invariably better than simply ignoring them. Not sure what it will take for the common decency of a response, but until a formal response comes; I would expect more of the same on the forum.- people getting more and more upset, and feeling like they've been cheated. This in turn creates negativity outside this forum, which in turn leads to more negative feedback. Bungie - don't you know what a Net-Promoter Score is? Do you care?

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    • Bump. Good inteligent post. VtxR - PS3

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    • This not had a reply yet...been on the top for a while now and is a good post so congrats.

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      2 Replies
      • Great constructive criticism, very defensive and well thought out

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        • Bump for Great Justice. You speak a lot of truth. I only hope they are capable of understanding it. The real lack of communication is what gets me. When you take pride in something you want to talk about it all the time. This should be their baby and they should get online and talk to us about their baby and not pick random irrelevant topics to discuss.

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        • Well put but the second i started reading I knew bungie would never listen to this and its for the reasons you have already stated they have wall between there community and them

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          • Really like the post. Agreed with just about everything you said and i hope that posts like this become common and bungie can make this already fun game into something that lasts longer than that 10 year cycle.

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          • The wall is Activision, some body in Bungie calling shots, and those that simply take orders and do what they are told. I am going with Deej as being the take orders and do what he is told. The ones calling shots are apparently not the same people of the Halo days. The innovation is there but clearly free thinking is not. The writer leaving and one can only guess must have owned the story he wrote. So they had to redo and rehash the best they could with some glue and card board. Even Blizzard communicates and has shown drive to change and improve things. Shocking I know. Is Bungie going to change. Unlikely as they have more than enough room to improve. They could have opened up some areas that we know exist like The Terminus or the closed doors sitting in the Cosmodrome in the Rocket Yard zone. Maybe this is for an expansion or not. It has no enemies yet. In any case why not add random instances of walkers or occasional invasion of precursor vex. Not public events but just things that happen. Spice up the world of Destiny. Make the areas more interesting. Ideas like this are all over the forums even the fantastic Khostov path to exotic idea I have also responded to. As far as I can tell nobody from Bungie has even looked at it let alone responded. The areas Deej has responded leave a feeling of why did he bother. Less than useful information at best. Not a single post I have actually found of his in the forums really make me feel connected to Bungie. I can only guess many of you guardians have a similar take.

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            • A post that DeeJ needs to read (all of it) to the devs in their next "meeting" or, and here's a shocker, the devs can just go on the damn forums themselves and actually look at this feedback

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              • Another great post, and again bungie/deej ignores it. Lol deej pisses me off more than bungie or Activision actually

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              • When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee? Bungivision couldn't give a -blam!- about ur ideas. It's a big business all they want is ur money and if all you people keep chucking money at them and playing the game then why would they feel the need to listen to you anyway? Furthermore I really don't understand why people keep crying about this, apart from the good shooting mechanics the game is massive pile of cabal shit, just trade in the game and get something good

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                • Deej is a community manager he gets stressed all the time, you need to cut him some slack, he's doing the best he can.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by OtakuDEV: 1/21/2015 5:15:13 PM
                    Once The Division, No Man's Sky, Persona 5, FFXV, & Deep Down come out Destiny is hitting the shelf. It was fun while it lasted, but sadly that fun has died out and turned into regret. Regret of spending $100 on a game that I knew so little about, I honestly thank Bungie for opening up my eyes and showing me all the flaws of pre-ordering a game. Never again will I mindlessly throw money at something I know so little about.

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                    • Edited by Luna: 1/21/2015 10:27:01 PM
                      League of legends is a pathetic excuse for a game when put up against something as massive as world of Warcraft. Bungie will forever be known as the company that started halo, Destiny is relatively new, it's hard to see if it will outshine the original Halo franchise.

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                      • Agreed. DeeJ is not fulfilling his job. There is just no communication.

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                        • I AGREE!! This is from a post I started earlier titled "To play or not to play, that is the question." I have been playing Destiny for a while now and I have many hours that I've dedicated to the game, as have most other players. I have many complaints and praises about the game. (More complaints than praises at this point) I'm not going to get into any specifics as they have already been posted and talked about NUMEROUS times throughout the Destiny community. I used to get excited and looked forward to playing when I had the time to jump on and take my Guardians into battle hoping to get the great rewards that we all want. Now...... not so much..... It's the same things over and over again and all the time and effort that we put in just isn't that "rewarding". I'm at a crossroads with Destiny and not sure which way I'm going to go. What are your thoughts fellow Guardians? I paid for the Dark Below/HoW bundle so Bungie already has my money. We'll see if things get better or not. They keep dangling that "carrot" thinking we are going to constantly strive for it but I think a lot of people are going to look elsewhere for that "carrot" or go back to the other "carrot" that still has some appeal. There are a lot of great suggestions, ideas and recommendations that the community has given to Bungie to help make the game better but so far most have gone unanswered and ignored with no reason why. But as soon as people discover a shorter or not as difficult way to beat a "boss" or complete a raid or strike, Bungie drops everything and is right on top of it. How dare a player find a quicker way to do something. It's not like someone figured that if you hit up, down, left, right, left, circle, square, X on your controller you get unlimited ascendant shards or something.

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                          • Bump

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                          • SUPER BUMP

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                          • Edited by DDkin9: 1/23/2015 7:32:41 AM
                            Dig it. It's called good customer service. They need some.

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                          • Look, I believe the reason why Bungie can't really give us what we want is because of the hardware limitations, and the issue (this is me just making an assumption since I'm no developer) in juggling between last gen and these next gen consoles. We probably won't see the full potential of Destiny until the second one in the entry is set forth with solely the power of these newer generation consoles. Don't they have to TEST everything on each console to make sure it works properly? That takes a lot of time! In their effort to cash grab they shot themselves in the foot by putting this game on PS3 and Xbox 360, this may sound harsh, but they should have set their efforts in just making it for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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                            • SIGNED!

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                            • Agreed

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                            • Not going to happen. They do not care. It's there baby don't dare tell them how to raise it. It's going to end up being a asshole. Well for me already is.

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