To all the 32s full of themselves and flaming anyone who is 31 with their worthless forum posts:
No one cares you're level 32, no one is jealous, no one gives a flying fuk. We 31s don't want to play with ppl like you, so just STFU and stop posting worthless topics on the forums. We will find other 32s that aren't d-bags.
Edit #1: I'm not saying all level 32s. Just those that fit the topic description.
Edit #2: Since it was brought up my Warlock is lvl31 but currently in Iron Banner armor that's being leveled.
I'm 32 and I'm not going to be a jerk about it 32 wasn't that big of an achievement the difference between 31 and 32 is minimal unless you're in Crota hard raid but even then your team should be fine with a couple 31s