To all the 32s full of themselves and flaming anyone who is 31 with their worthless forum posts:
No one cares you're level 32, no one is jealous, no one gives a flying fuk. We 31s don't want to play with ppl like you, so just STFU and stop posting worthless topics on the forums. We will find other 32s that aren't d-bags.
Edit #1: I'm not saying all level 32s. Just those that fit the topic description.
Edit #2: Since it was brought up my Warlock is lvl31 but currently in Iron Banner armor that's being leveled.
I don't think people should be a dick about it but hard mode is literally about 5X difficulty as a 31. I just tried it with a group after we did normal. 2 32s and 4 31. Surviving becomes a serious challenge against the weakest adds. Not to mention yellow health knights.