Comment with your best joke!
Edit: Can't believe the amount of jokes there are - it's brilliant, keep them coming
Edit: Jesus that's a lot of jokes
If you ever use anal beads, count them before you put them in, once your done, 're count them, if your missing one, be worried, if you've gained an extra, well, you've got a magic arsehole.
Want to hear joke? [spoiler]women's rights[/spoiler]
One man says to the other, "Man, I haven't heard any Beethoven in a while." The other says, "Neither has he."
What do you call the useless skin around a vagina? [spoiler]A woman.[/spoiler]
What do you call a magic owl? [i]Hoo-dini[/i] Note: I didn't do this joke, all credit goes to VanossGaming
My best joke? Here's one. You know what's a joke? [spoiler]My love life[/spoiler]
Female rights
female rights
female rights
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What's red and smells like blue paint [spoiler]red paint[/spoiler] What's red and bad for your teeth [spoiler]a brick [/spoiler] What's the hardest part of the vegetable to eat [spoiler]the wheelchair [/spoiler]
What the difference between a hooker and a rooster? The rooster screams cock a doodle do And the hooker screams "any cock will do"
Guys they discovered the first gay dinosaur! It's called the mega sore ass!!
Edited by Batman: 5/4/2015 11:05:19 PMWhy was 6 afraid of 7? *wait for it* To get to the other side! I think that's how you do it.
Edited by Ti84 plus: 10/9/2015 2:05:27 AMWhy is crime so hard to track in the south? [spoiler]Everyone has the same genetic traits! [/spoiler]
Not mine. My friend came up with this on the spot today and I thought it was pretty funny. Thomas the Dank Engine blazing down that road at 420 miles per hour. That ain't coal he's burning. And that ain't the train talking.
My life :/
Where do white people go when they die?[spoiler]heaven[/spoiler] What do they get when they get there?[spoiler]wings[/spoiler] What are they called?[spoiler] angels[/spoiler] Where do black people go when they die?[spoiler] heaven[/spoiler] What do they get when they get there?[spoiler]wings[/spoiler] What are they called?[spoiler]bats[/spoiler]
What did the tree say to the other tree? [spoiler]nothing, trees don't talk[/spoiler]
What's Crota's favor kind of cheese? [spoiler]Frumunda Cheese because everyone knows that Frumunda can only be found in The Dark Below![/spoiler]
I ran into Hitler. I was surprised to see him and asked him what he was up to? He said “This time I am going to kill 6 million Jews and two clowns!” “Two Clowns? Why are you going to kill two clowns?” “See? Nobody cares about the Jews.”
What's the difference between your wife and your job? [spoiler]after five years your job will still suck[/spoiler]
Why don't orphans play baseball? [spoiler]they don't know where home is [/spoiler]
My life...