Comment with your best joke!
Edit: Can't believe the amount of jokes there are - it's brilliant, keep them coming
Edit: Jesus that's a lot of jokes
Xur selling gjalehorn
crumpled foreskin
Why did the monkey fall out of the tree [spoiler]because he was dead ;)[/spoiler]
My love life
What do you call a miniature spider? [spoiler]An Arackid.[/spoiler]
Wanna hear a Gjallarhorn joke? Never mind you'll never get it
A man walks into a bar.
what does Destiny have in common with Fifty Shades of Grey? [spoiler]Bait and Switch[/spoiler]
Why did the clown God to the hospital? Because he was feeling funny! XD
Obama. 1st black guy in The White House without a mop.
[spoiler]Your mom[/spoiler] [spoiler]hehehe[/spoiler]
Women's rights
A wizard is going down the road. He turns into a driveway.
How many black people do you need to start a riot? [spoiler]-1[/spoiler]
They think I'm sane.
What's black, seven feet tall, and screaming? [spoiler]Stevie Wonder answering the iron[/spoiler]
Whats the difference between jelly and jam? [spoiler]I cant jelly my cock in your ass[/spoiler]
Women's rights
My life
There was a White Guy and A Black guy trying to 2 man Crota and when they finish it the white guy says to the black guy "Hey did u get the black Hammer" the black guy responded " No but i did lay the Black Hammer on your mom last night"
Three men walk across the road A car loses control and hits the men 1 hit the windshield One smashed a light on impact The other was launched 30 yards. When the police turned up P: right, hes being done for damage P: so is he P: and the last, running from a crime scene
Why did Simbas father die? [spoiler]Because he couldn't Mufasa.[/spoiler] [spoiler]i hate myself for liking this joke[/spoiler]