Comment with your best joke!
Edit: Can't believe the amount of jokes there are - it's brilliant, keep them coming
Edit: Jesus that's a lot of jokes
Obama care!
Women's rights[spoiler]lel jk[/spoiler]
I was so high that I went to taco bell and ordered a big Mac.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Your life
"Why so serious"
Going to McDonald's and getting a salad Is like going up to a prostitute and asking for a hug
Edited by TheLoneEthaniel: 1/26/2015 2:08:35 AMWhat did the blood donor say go the phlebotomist when they looked nervous about the quality of the blood? [spoiler]be positive![/spoiler]
Why did little Johnny drop his ice cream? He got hit by a bus.
What do you call a kid with no friends? A Sandy Hook survivor.
I like rusty spoons... The feeling of rubbing my salad fingers across them is almost... OrGASmic... [b]raspy breathing[/b]
Edited by Wompy: 1/25/2015 8:57:31 PMMy life.
Yo mama so fat AND old, that when god said let there be light, HE HAD TO ASK HER TO MOVE [spoiler]R3KT[/spoiler]
What's worse than a a bunch of dead baby's stuffed in a trash can?... One living baby at the bottom... How does that baby get out?... He eats his way out [spoiler]guess what... I'm that baby[/spoiler]
Destiny storyline. GG
[spoiler]random pun insert here.[/spoiler] ;.; I'll leave now.
Your Mom is like a shotgun. One cock and shes ready to go.
Knock knock Come here
I went into a Weight Watchers meeting once and threw some Malteasers on the floor. Best game of Hungry Hippos I've ever seen...
I could tell you
Edited by Obeonix: 1/24/2015 11:08:14 PMHave you heard the joke about the fart? It stinks xD Have you heard the joke about the wall? You'd never get over it CD Have you heard the joke about the desert? You wouldn't like it. Its too dry xD What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish? Ones a scum suckig bottom feeder and the others a fish!!! xD
Edited by Cheerioz831: 1/24/2015 2:10:15 PMWomen's rights.