Suddenly all 31's trying to get in on the hard raid are just getting bullied by 32s. Psh, Highschool all over again.
As "Amazing" and "Inspiring" Your Guys post are. I think you're missing the point, I don't care about the hard raid or doing it anytime soon! Im saying that alot of the 32s are being bullies to levels below. (As stated im my post above^) Yes i understand that we 31s do significantly less damage than a 32 but i didn't know that gave you the right to Call people "Scrubs, Scumbags, Wetbacks,etc" As much as you guys think "Oh its the interner get over it scrub. Go cry somewhere else" instead of actually understanding what im trying to imply here, It won't change anything. Just like this post is probably meaningless and others will laugh. Ive seen what bullying can do to people, I've lost family and friends to it. Im just stating what i see. Nothing more. -S
no need to swim before you can run. just forcus on getting to 32 then worry about the hard raid, its not going anywhere. At least by that time, everyone would of gotten strategy sorted.
My team had a 31. But it was our usual group we've been running with since day 1 of Athion. We got fine and did it all legit until we got to Crota....we've been stuck on him for prpbbaly a good hour and half now. Needless to say, the 31 barely did any damage. But ours didn't Die to much so he wasn't a burden to badly. 5 manning the dam bridge was hard as shit though (Second Phase of the raid)
Well all the 31s should get to 32 so they can play Varsity. Otherwise stick to JV.
We just beat it with a 31 in our group. Not a problem, they just can't take a "vital role" like sword carrier or the bubble titan for the sword carrier (in the strategy that we used). I also got through death singer on my 31 warlock without a problem. Will try Crota with him this weekend.
It's depends on how good the group is honestly. If they are pretty good players it shouldn't make a big difference.
My group tonight ran the entire Raid with a 31. It went fine.
It's hard. My apologies that I won't be making it harder until I'm sure I can manage with a full 32 team. If this isn't everyone else's reason, then their just buttholes.
I'm a lvl 31. Please, someone come bully me....please...
I'm not gonna say 31 are useless but they are at a huge disadvantage when 32s are already at a disadvantage
Its been long enough since the dark below released that if you're still not 32 it's your fault. Either you havnt run the raid enough to get the gear to hit 32, so you're useless. That or you don't have the shards to upgrade your gear which means you either still havnt had enough raid practice or done enough bounties to hit eris rank 4. Maybe people with 1 character might not have hit 32 yet for legit reasons, but if you have 1 character you're probably not dedicated enough, and again don't have enough raid completions under your belt to be usefull as anything but a meat shield,
Just like the level 29 in VoG
Why the rush to play hard? Play normal and get your gear/shards, then go looking for hard raid teams. You're only going to stress yourself when even if it wasn't your fault that the raid team wiped, since you're 31, you automatically become the scape goat. That will only fuel you to come post about it on the forums and have all these 2edgy kids try to be all tough guy and act condescending towards you.
Just beat the hard raid twice, cleaaan. 31's shouldn't be joining shit unless you wanna carry they ass. Get y'all weight up 31's.
My clan intends to after we ran it first all 32s but only 31s are our bitch characters lol. Whole clan 32 now last one got it Tuesday.
You should make a group of 31's and see how fast you die. 32's are already at a damage deficient. I'm not an asshole but I can totally understand the 32 only rule. If there is a 31 in hard raid, he is going to be carried. And good luck doing this with basically 5 people. Bungie did it right. It's hard. It's not like vog where they added no revive and a detainment shield. The crota battle itself is basically an entire new fight. New strategy's must be used and your team must communicate and be good.....really good, at not dying.
It is more difficult as a 31 but not omg hard. A 31 can take about 3 melee hits from thrall while a 32 takes 5. Dmg wise you may need hit mobs 1 more time then a 32. Knights will pretty much 1 shot anyone 32 or 31 so not much more difference there.
We took a level 31. Guess who kept dieing and holding us back?
Because us 32s want to make strats, get used to the way the new mechanics play out (Nainly Crota) before we trust that you guys can join us. It's not a bully or hate thing, it's us trying to beat it and ATM it's proving to be a challange for 32s themselves.
Lol yea I feel you. Typical treatment from special Snowflakes
i wonder how many lvl 32's remember what the sun looks like...and not the one in destiny
You can't do any real damage, go play normal get your gear then run hard.
No its not Highschool. 31s should be playing normal crota's end until they acquire and level up the raid gear to level 32. Only then should they attempt HM.
Its not as hard as it used to be to level up. Do normal raids first to get armor. Sorry.
[quote]Highschool all over again.[/quote] Hue, 31's can do everything up to Crota rather easy given those parts are not hard but for Crota fight you should really only have one or two. Person on this forums did post a strat that has you staying on middle though that worked perfectly so the fight seems far easier like that.
Two levels down dude. Just keep doing the Normal CE until you hit 32. No point having a terrible time because you dont have the gear to beat something and having it ruined for you
High school never ends~