Suddenly all 31's trying to get in on the hard raid are just getting bullied by 32s. Psh, Highschool all over again.
As "Amazing" and "Inspiring" Your Guys post are. I think you're missing the point, I don't care about the hard raid or doing it anytime soon! Im saying that alot of the 32s are being bullies to levels below. (As stated im my post above^) Yes i understand that we 31s do significantly less damage than a 32 but i didn't know that gave you the right to Call people "Scrubs, Scumbags, Wetbacks,etc" As much as you guys think "Oh its the interner get over it scrub. Go cry somewhere else" instead of actually understanding what im trying to imply here, It won't change anything. Just like this post is probably meaningless and others will laugh. Ive seen what bullying can do to people, I've lost family and friends to it. Im just stating what i see. Nothing more. -S
I haven't seen this behaviour. Except when it comes to the sword bearer...but no big deal it makes sense.
Why are you so soft. Their jerks everywhere. Who cares what they say.
Alright, well I think that's a little bit dramatic. I'm guessing you're drawing this from experience, but don't forget, it's just a game. It's not impossible to do it with 31s. Like a lot of people have been saying, just as long as you have a level 32 swordbearer, all is good. And as far as bullying goes, it's a friggin video game. Half the people who play the damn thing are people who think that sitting in a dark room with a stash of jelly beans and potato chips (along with a tube for peeing running up their friggin leg) is cool. Take it how you want, but thats how you play the game their way. You can either get to level 32 (which seriously isn't that difficult as long as you have time) or wait for the next DLC to come out.
I agree with you
Just beat hard mode with 2 31s in it (alts of people who already done hard mode). The only person who CANNOT be 31 is the sword guy. I will take a 31 who listens, is efficient, and stays safe over a 32 that ignores orders, and constantly dies.
To be fair the number of level 32's I know are pretty decent people who don't act like d*cks but remember the ones that do are probably the ones that still live at home a suck on mummies t*ts, at least that's the impression I get from them
Edited by LivingWill117: 1/25/2015 2:27:55 AMCrotas End has been out for almost 2 months. Assuming you've been playing since before it was released- there really is no excuse to not be level 32. I have 2 different classes at 32. I have never cheesed crota. I made a hunter 2 weeks ago who is almost fully geared as well to be level 32. I don't understand how people could be 31 still if they have been playing since CE came out. Edit: over 2 months.
Edited by Micolash: 1/25/2015 4:24:36 PMI LOL'ed at all the people who misunderstand the post, I think the OP is saying that he doesnt have that big of a problem with people not wanting lvl 31's because their dmg potential is lower then that of a 32. What he's saying is that don't be assholes about kicking people, if your gonna kick somebody then all that you need to say is "sorry dude, but we are trying to do a raid quickly with all lvl 32's", don't say "Kick this fag, he sucks and will -blam!- up the raid".
I find it funny how they don't say anything when they're 31, but right when they get 32 they all start saying "you suck! You're a scrub! Christmas noob! You can't do anhthing'" and so on. They forget that they were once a 31 to. They (not all but most) act like they started the game as a 32, and they are entitled and have the right to act like stuck up jerks.
I completely agree. I have 32 warlock and 31 hunter and some people that added me recently just want so much to raid with my 32 warlock but exactly the opposite when I play with 31 hunter. That self righteous 32's are incredibly irritating and making this community a rage/hate pot it kinda now is. On the other hand I still remember when I was 29 and had troubles finding raid partners for hard VoG cause even other 29's were all looking 30's. But all in all that "level bullshit" escalated a lot with the release of hard mode. I hope that people might change their mind once they see that the team that did the HM worlds first completion had a 1 31. Furthermore I was able to get to Ir Yut with 5 (2x32 & 3x31) in couple attempts and we've beaten Ir Yut after third 32 joined us so in my experience skill is much more needed that luck with RNG and having all characters of same class. BTW sorry for the long post, kinda wanted to speak my mind though. Wish you all good luck my fellow guardians!
Tried a full team of 31's on hard. We couldn't make it through lanterns. team of 5-32's and a 31 Made it to the deathsinger. The 31 would get one shot killed, someone else would die. Team would fall apart. 31 was very skilled. Pro with sniper and head shots. Team of 32's made it all the way to Croata and got him to enraged. Played hard mode with my Hunter level 31 and my warlock 32. Huge difference in dealing damage and the ability to shrug off damage.
You know what the problem is, dude? Back in the "old" VoG days there weren't too many 30s because of the unforgiving reward system, funny thing there was 29s asking for "30 only with Ghorn and experience for carry". Due to CE being cheesable for a whole month (and beyond), now everyone with 30 mins a day got to 32, so now they feel entitled.
It's easy as -blam!- to get to 32. Bring on replies
Haha then get to 32 -blam!-... not that hard stop being shit
Did crota with 2 32's, 3 31's, and 1 30 last night in our first run
It can be done and it has proven.
Beat crota with 2 31s, as long as they aren't morons it's ok to have 1 -2
It's a -blam!-ing hard raid. If you aren't well enough equipped to meet the challenge then the end game content isn't for you. Nobody wants to carry your ass through just to get the shit you want. There's a normal raid for you to play but hard is left for the players who are really dedicated. Get over it because it won't change.
Idk why ppl cry abt having lvl31s in HM. the first team to ever beat it had 2 lvl 31s and they beat it in 27 minutes 2 seconds.
Reading the reply's, alot of you guys dont get the point. Just because you have been blessed by rng or have 2/3 of the same class and are 32, doesnt mean you better then a 31. But that is not the point he is making. The point he is making as that the moment you guys hit 32, you all started to act all high and mighty. You guys look down on 31's and calling them names. Calling them scrubs or noobs is not right. Just because you guys are 32, doesnt mean you guys can look down on 31's. Not everyone can help it they didnt get the shards or gear they needed. You guys also kick 31's straight from party's and all that. Not even listen for 10 seconds. For example my titan. I joined a party to do hard mode and got kicked straight away. Nobody carred to look at my character to see i had a helmet eguipted that i was leveling up. 10 sec would have alloud me to switch to my max helmet and be 32. But no. I was being called a noob that didnt know how to play and got kicked. Altho the revenge that i beaten it with the next team and they were still trying made up for that. They didnt like it tho and i insta was a noob that got carried.
Yeah there is a lot of bullying online and particularly in game forums. It is all very high school and reminds me of typical jock behavior. Except the bullies here are not exclusively jocks since the Internet lets anyone say mean, hateful, threatening things to people - regardless of their physical stature. Just ignore them and remember that they are placing a tremendous amount of significance on something as trivial as a game.
Because ya didn't drank dewritos casual.
We tried with a couple 31s, like myself It was -blam!-in hard. Didn't get to Crota. Shit took too long. I joined and told my boys if they need to swap me out for a 32 at some point I understand. [b]it's a raid designed for 32s[/b] I wasn't prepared enough and almost useless. We held our own for a while but I eventually got frustrated and bounced My point is as a 31, it isn't really that fun
Edited by VisageOfAnAngel: 1/24/2015 1:07:36 AMThere's a reason why 31s don't run the hard version of Crota's End just like there was a reason most people didn't want 28s (two levels below the raid level) for the hard version of VoG. It's actually worse with CE just because the only "mechanic" to the raid is to spam endless waves of over-powered enemies at you.
Ce hard mode is[spoiler]hard[/spoiler]
Ok not everything can be beat with skill, eventually it comes down to how much damage you can put out and take