If Christianity did not allow for one to repent for their sins, would anyone be a Christian? I highly doubt it. The only reason so many people believe in such a construct is because they have been told that it will secure them eternal happiness. But what if you could not repent through confession or any other means? We all know that people have a tendency to sin in the eyes of god, but what if you could not be forgiven?
A lot of you seem to be missing the point. Christianity is a cult. How does one acquire followers for a cult? Offer incentives. Do you know how convenient it is that every Christian is guaranteed a pass to Heaven? It is simply a tactic to grab weak minded followers who will then spread the word of their savior. The Church works like this:
> Promise eternal bliss
> Make sure there is no effort involved
> Acquire Profit
There is also negative incentive as well. They convince you hell is real and tell you that if you do not believe you are damned. If you are convinced hell is real, you HAVE to join them, right? Both fantasy locations are a mere play on humanities fears of the unknown.
Sound off below. Be honest to yourself.
A lot of you guys are lying to yourself.
i grew up christian. i realize all its flaws as i grew older. but its more of my lifestyle, than my religion.
Even if you're a Christian, you're not completely guaranteed heaven.
The idea of heaven is actually one of the reasons that really turned me off from Christianity. Eternal bliss? How could there be eternal bliss without moments of misery to compare it too? Same goes for hell, how could you even experience eternal suffering without moments of bliss? And I realize that both "places" are clinging to some otherworldy power to justify their "eternal bliss or suffering" but to me, it seems that both heaven or hell would result in a completely neutral state since you can't have happiness without pain and vice versa. I don't know, but eternal life one way or the other doesn't appeal to me at all. It just doesn't make any sense, imo.
When god gives you lemons, tell god to stop being a -blam!-.
If you weren't born I bet you wouldn't be an atheist.[spoiler]Checkmate[/spoiler][spoiler]#shrekt[/spoiler]
Muted for a better tomorrow. Thank you.
Edited by cesar0s: 1/23/2015 3:15:10 AMRemember when arguing about (fake) religion on the internet made you look like an idiot? Pepperidge Farms remembers. If you feel you have to defend your god on the internet, find a new god, you've already lost.
God is a massive prick. Why does he have the right to chose who will get eternal happiness? Oh wait he doesn't exist and neither does heaven...
Lets not forget that many religions are based on human-brotherhood and common decency. I am not going to list them all, but you know its true. Christianity and Islam teach about heaven, but many other religious views don't, just Nervana and enlightenment through selflessness. So with or without the promise of blissful eternal freedom, many millions of people are convinced to do the right thing without heaven or hell hanging in the balance. Since you are relating this to the teachings of Jesus, which at times are contrary to what the churches DO, please understand that Jesus was against the establishment for the most part. The establishment is necessary for people because we crave communion, but if you are relating the peaceful teachings of Jesus to what the churches do today, I agree, there is a divide. But, you can't roll everyone into one ball and generalize everything. It's like saying all of Islam are crazy suicidal people. In fact many people from different faiths have issues with the higher tiers of their systems. Its called abuse of power, and even Bungie isn't free from that. :(
If we all just worshipped Nicolas Cage like we're supposed to we wouldn't have any problems.
Edited by Free Born: 1/24/2015 3:31:08 AMIn my belief I believe that your either good or bad. It's called predestination. Look it up.[spoiler]no hates or any thing to anyone [/spoiler]and yes it's very easy to tell
[quote]A lot of you guys are lying to yourself.[/quote] Asks us to be honest, then when we are, and the answer counters OP's opinion, we're lying and wrong. GG
Right on the money. Imagine where Christianity would be today if the Bible made no mention if heaven or hell.
Heaven isn't a guarantee, just cause your Christian doesn't mean your going to heaven
This is a very interesting thread, and leads to some very profound questions. Remember, at one point, most of Europe was being conned into paying their way into heaven, because there was "no other way" to be forgiven for sinning, in the minds of the more authoritative figures of the Christian church. Personally, I've always been questioning if there really is a "correct" philosophy on what happens after life. And to be honest, I'm no closer to an answer than I was 11 years ago. In my opinion, there are more pressing matters, such as apathy on modern society, and Poverty. What happens to me after life is ultimately inconsequential.
[quote]Nobody would be a Christian if heaven wasn't guaranteed[/quote] that's called weak faith I'm pretty sure I'm not going to heaven, but I still believe I don't care what happens after I die, its out of my hands no matter I think will happen.
I've been a catholic all my life but I don't believe heaven is guaranteed I believe if your a good person you'll go to heaven. And you repent for the minor hiccups and are forgiven. But saying anyone can get it I don't believe like if Hitler repented right before he died I have zero belief he'd be going to heaven. I just live life trying to be a good person to others and just be happy and whatever happens happens
Would anyone be an atheist knowing that there is no heaven for them?
Edited by DW6: 1/24/2015 3:45:07 AMTo me, religion in general sounds like an excuse to behave. Or be a total asshat to everyone because hey, they're still going to heaven, right? Also, I think confessing to god alone shouldn't be enough to allow to go upstairs. You should confess your sins to mortals as well. Not necessarily the whole world, mind you. And priests shouldn't count. Edit: Also, when you apologize to people, your apologies should be real. You may fool some people, but you won't fool everyone. You especially won't fool god. He'll know. Your actions should also be legitimate. And if your actions aren't legitimate, I hope he tells you to GTFO his house.
Can we stop with these threads please there getting old an a little annoying like we get it your a atheist just like 50% of the population
What is the point of this thread, all you want to do is argue with people, nobody's going to change their mind based on an Internet thread, it seems to me you just want to insult people
Heaven is not guaranteed. How can you guarantee something no one living has ever seen?
Hey guys, RJ here (again). I figured it's time for another thread bashing Christianity! I know there are a hundred of these made every day (half of them by me, of course), but I just wanted to reiterate my opinion of Christians for the millionth time. You all have probably figured out by now that I'm a pathetic worm with no friends who likes to belittle people for their beliefs, but I only do it because I'm and attention whore and I love starting flame wars! Thanks for all the fun guys, I really enjoy being a total dick and pissing everyone off.
Edited by Døøb: 1/23/2015 12:42:32 AMNo religion is a cult. Not committing sins and believing in a God doesn't make you a cult. I'm a Muslim, and you are wrong. [url=http://www.questionsonislam.com/article/can-it-be-proved-islam-religion-love-peace-and-tolerance-can-you-give-examples-about-it]Also…[/url]
I like how the religious people respond and it starts a feud when they could just simply ignore this.