Here's a solution. Put the time in to be 32. Otherwise you don't deserve to play with 32s. If you 31s think you deserve to play the hard raid, make a group of all 31s and see how far you get.
This is a level 33 raid, which means you're even at a disadvantage at 32. Enemies deal massive damage and your health doesn't even regen in the crota fight. This is why we want to play with players who can deal the most damage and take the least.
This is bungies fault really by calling it a hard raid simply by increasing the level too far. It's lazy game design. Oh yeah let's make a bunch of bullet sponge enemies who all two shot you. The hard raid everyone!
I seen (3) 31's and (3) 32's complete hard so level doesn't matter skill does
Sorry that I wasn't blessed by RNGesus that I have been trying to get for 5 raids now
False. If you wanted to play with people who deal most and take least you'd run a full six man defender Titan team, 3 running blessing and three running weapons.
Hey hey! :) if its anyones fault just blame me! Bungie made an excellent game. :)