originally posted in:440 Raiders PS4
DrTease is looking for active players. I have 3 characters lvl 30 or higher. I also have a couple of friends that are on pretty regularly and we would love to get enough people to do more raids. We don't take it too seriously so please no asshats. We are familiar with both raids but not experts. We all have a nice selections of weapons and we're very dedicated to getting the raids done every week. I am also just interested in getting more friends for help with weekly's and nightfall's. I'm happy to help others lvl up and share my knowledge and hopefully learn from as many others as I can. Add DrTease if you're interested. I would also very much like to get the trophy for completing a raid with all clan member fireteam as well as the hard VOG. I am currently in a clan but we just don't have enough members. looking to either add to ours or possibly join another. Our clan is Outlook Grim.
Add "Daymun", I'm also looking for the "Raiding Party" Trophy, as well as the Strike Trophy. I can be on most of the time if you wanna get a raid together just send me a message :)
You add TFTlb25 he love to do raids
Add psn Coxynator.
Join Super Fun Friends. I hear they're kind of a big deal. (Funny too)
I'm a level 30 hunter, adult player from UK. I'm up for raids, weeklys, nightfall etc. Add me if you want Psn DawnOfDevil
Join 440 Raiders PS4 I'll do clan trophy with u add l_SmellyFinger_l
Add me, psn same as name
Sign me up zlatan7799
I'm a daily player with lot of xp add l_SmellyFinger_l
I'm active my gamer tag is XdinoXbear43X
Add me my name is Ev03_ReLoaDZ im a level 27 titan looking for help with the weekly raids and the vault of glass