I'm using netflix, but for log horizon I'll be using the same website u are.
[spoiler]btw, from what ive gathered, comparing sao and lof horizon rhe way u did might be an anime sin lmao[/spoiler]
Lol, maybe so. As I have yet to watch Log Horizon for myself, so I was just stating what my friend said. I misunderstood what he meant, so I probably butchered it. I will watch it and make comparisons. Haha.
Yep.. they consider sao garbage
That's their opinion. Just like any anime. There's people that like SAO and there's people that don't. I personally have never met a single person that doesn't like SAO.
I know what you mean, but, sao has a lot more hate on it than any other.
I wonder why.
I guess because kirito is way too op. Like annoyingly op. So instead of a creative plot, kirito just keeps unbelievably soloing everything. Defeats the purpose of a good story. . That and his sex appeal is godlike. . But I'd have to watch to make sure.
Lol those are the only points that people always point out. But it has a great story. I don't know why people let other people's opinions get in the way of their own judgement.
Me neither. I plan on watching it anyway. . Just not in a hurry
Awesome. ^.^ So what console do you play on?
From what I've heard Log Horizon is like SAO only it doesn't suck.
Lmao xD