Well think of it this way, when I was one of the first level 30s and done vog hard I never complained about taking 29s..I stopped playing and I still find myself at level 30 I got the new raid gear but not enough materials to upgrade, what I don't understand what's so hard about the new raid. VoG was hard with no cheeses. I could of understand in that situation but Crota? Cmon is piss easy. What's 10 % less damage from 31s?. You all rather not form groups to find 32s only? Don't think so. You 31s will be fine it's just the hype of the new raid mode. Next week they all be looking at recruiting 31ns 30 even.
A lvl 29 in hard mode VoG is the same as a lvl 32 in hard mode CE. We're talking about a gap of TWO levels here.