If I had more time I could get another group together and run it again. Make sense?
Typically when I'm at that stage it's passed 1am.
Or just get a good group and clear it first time? OR since you have the crota checkpoint from your failed attempt start from there and kill him the following night. Compute?
Explain exactly how you get a good Group? I just post here and whoever shows up get to make the attempt. It's not always the cream of the crop that joins. The last attempt, we had a good team as far as everyone being at least level 31, but just no communication and no willingness to follow directions. Who was on boomer duty, who was on sword bearer duty. Those jobs had to be assigned each time we would make another attempt. The one time I beat it legit, everyone knew their job. And it went smooth. In fact it seemed a little too easy. That's the plan tonight. Hopefully I can get a decent group.
If you know the fight assign the jobs. All you need is someone who can run the sword and one for boomer duty and the rest falls into place. If people know what they're doing it IS easy. That's what's annoying when people complain about 32's it is not difficult to get there.
I've only been on sword bearer duty. Killing him, or helping to kill him. I've never touched the sword. I just shoot crota when people tell me to start shooting him. Haven't been able to get the materials I need. The first time I cheesed crota I got Like 9 or 10 shards. The rest of the time I got gear. But since, no shards. Feel like I'm stuck. I really wish it was as easy for me to get to 32 as everyone makes it seem. You seem to know your way around. How do you beat crota as the sword bearer. When do people need to shoot him? When do you attack him with the sword? I would look it up, but my job has all access to YouTube blocked.
Easiest method and most used method: One person with a decent sniper rifle goes on boomer duty, does not deviate from that task. You only need to cover the ones on the left. One is designated sword duty the rest help kill the sword bearer and shoot crota when sword bearer is ready. When crota is in his starting position he's easiest to get to with this method. he will move from the start position to the right hand side after a minute or two. It's time enough to get a sword run in him. When attacking him with the sword you want to be moving towards him when hes about 10% shield depending on how fast your team is getting it down. You want to get at least 2 good hits, you can get more but if you're not timing it right play it safe because crota will 1 shot you regardless of how far away you are from him. The range of his sword is a joke. There's usually time to get him to his knee twice before the sword despawns. Then he moves to the right, continue to kill adds, leave sword bearer alive until he moves back to the centre. Once he does repeat the first steps then once you've done that move down to the original start position under the death singers room and stay there until the two ogres arrive. FYI crota will move to the left side at the point the same as he does to the right. Make sure you're not there when he does because he will kill you. Kill the ogres them start heading back to where you started. You can return via the right hand side or wait till crota goes back to the centre and go up the left steps. Bear in mind the thralls and cursed thralls will br in the crystal room and you'll need to clear them out. Once that's done and crota is back in his start position go back to step one and sword away until he's dead. He enrages after about 5 minutes I think, maybe longer. It's usually after the 4th sword run or so. Enrage is bad news so get him down before then. Ogres spawn after every 2 swords. Ogres must be killed or the sword bearer wont appear. Obviously when someone dies oversoul appears. That can be easily destroyed as long as everyone focuses on it. Hard is another matter but to be honest it's not much different apart from there being no chalice of light, 3 ogres spawning and a wizard appears instead of a sword knight along with the boomers. Crota also enrages around 20% hp regardless which sucks a bit. Oh and a very unhappy gatekeeper patrols the lower section.
Yup, that sounds about right ;)
Your way sounds like it's much easier. We're doing 3 on boomers and 3 on sword duty. Probably why our timing was off. Thanks for the info man. I really would like to start doing the raids regularly. Decent help is hard to find. I'll try again tonight. Thanks again.
3 on boomers is overkill. Lvl 31 takes 2 headshots to kill one so if you have someone with icebreaker (which everyone should due to xur) then they should manage them without too much trouble. Can go with 2 for a safety net of course but 3 is too much as you'll end up taking too long to bring down crotas shield.